Watch Dogs

Now it makes sense, Someone did release a mod to make it like the videos showed :p
eaglesaquarium said:
Ooooooooo.... Fancy green hoses.

Is that good?
The hoses are liquid coolant, It cools everything inside the computer allowing me to "overclock" the hardware without suffering insane amounts of heat.
Nice water cooling. I'm still playing Skyrim with about a bagillion mods...can't get enough of it.

Any one seen some vids of the new Unreal Engine? Holy smokes!
techen said:
The hoses are liquid coolant, It cools everything inside the computer allowing me to "overclock" the hardware without suffering insane amounts of heat.
I assumed that's what it was. As for overclocking.... Sure. Uh huh. Right. Gotcha.

So, watch dogs has two different versions, a really cool one with nice graphics, and a less than satisfactory version?
eaglesaquarium said:
So, watch dogs has two different versions, a really cool one with nice graphics, and a less than satisfactory version?
No - like Techen said, they advertised it with really cool graphics (if you happen to have a high spec PC), then disabled them on release :(
Then somebody created a mod to allow sneak access to the enhanced graphics which are still hidden inside the game, but the mod becomes obsolete every time Ubisoft releases a patch - currently I can't find an updated mod.  Techen's right, Ubisoft are being a bit annoying.
Yeah I just profiled my first hacker before they could hack me.  *victory dance* 
you call that a computer T :p
and yea not hear about watch dogs but it does look good

Is that solely for gaming??!?! My dad has something similar but no water coolant and not really all the monitors like that haha
Loving that tri-screen setup!
What games do you play Zik?

fm1978 said:
Any one seen some vids of the new Unreal Engine? Holy smokes!
Give us a link.  I used to play Unreal Tournament way back when.
You need to put a 'Nerd Alert' warning before posting pictures like that!  :lol:
Eagle ya need to learn to recognise your nerds from your geeks.  You're a physics teacher, so you're the nerd :p.  Gamers are more likely geeks than nerds.  Nerds are cool but geeks are awesome! ;)
I'm a Geerd :)
Here's a link or 2...
Some are doing more than others with it but it'll be fabulous. Although, it looks like Zik will be the only one on the planet able to use it in game! Ha!
Very nice.  I thought I was watching an advert on the first one, took a while to realise it was actually the demo! :p
Now we just need a game that will use those graphics and not dumb them down for the sake of the console market :(
daizeUK said:
Eagle ya need to learn to recognise your nerds from your geeks.  You're a physics teacher, so you're the nerd :p.  Gamers are more likely geeks than nerds.  Nerds are cool but geeks are awesome! ;)

Hmmm... Could be true.

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