🐡 FOTM Vote Now - October 2022 Fish of the Month Contest (Catfish)

Vote Now for October 2022 Fish of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

We have 10 awesome Catfish entered into October 2022 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page - click on your choice for FOTM and then click the "cast" button.

You are not allowed to update your entry picture once voting has started.

Please note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

The winner is awarded a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a Winner Thread for all to see and to comment. The winner also will be added to our FOTM Wall of Fame .

Poll will close on October 30th at 4:00 PM ET (US).

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at fishforums.net thank you for your participation.
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Okay then

This is Chunk, my rescue otocinclus. Named Chunk because it's a sub-species that's larger than all my other otos, although I haven't ID'ed all of the sub-species I have, it's fish from different stores at different times, and there are 3-4 different types of oto in there.

Chunk is the newest addition, got because I adopted a tank full of fish from someone who was moving, and the tank was long neglected and contained an odd mix of fish. Ended up being a singular oto (Chunk), three corydoras, one blue opaline gourami, and a six-inch rainbow shark! (since rehomed to a lovely tank!) After a one month QT, Chunk joined my group of seven other otos that live in my pygmy cory tank, having the company of other otos for the first time in years. The otos also seem to mix really well with pygmy corydoras, so it's a lovely tank to watch! Chunk is often seen with the next largest oto, or with Baby, the smallest one!

It was lovely to finally add Chunk to the group of otos, they're a social species that live in groups of thousands in the wild, and are nearly all wild caught since they're not easy to breed in captivity, not in big numbers anyway - breeding otos in captivity is one of my fishkeeping life goals, they're one of my favourite fish, and I hate what wild caught fish go through, so breeding them in captivity could improve things for them greatly. Seeing Chunk sitting and eating with other otos again makes me really happy, and worth all the hassle of trying to find a great home for a rainbow shark!

The tank they're in is heavily planted and I add organics like alder cones and almond leaves to encourage micro-critters, so the otos mainly live on what they find in the tank, but I also add algae wafers at times, recently purchased Repashy Soylent Green for them, and add blanched veggies like cucumber, courgette and spinach sometimes.
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This is my sole surviving 3 year old Peppered Cory. I have tried keeping several types of cories over the years.....Skunk, Bandit, False Julii Cories and other Cories but never could keep them alive for more than a few months. My tank has moderately hard water and I believe that is the issue.

This Peppered Cory is a long time survivor and has survived heater failure, a bout of Ich in the tank, being moved and more. I don't think he minds being alone as he's like the Energizer Bunny by keeping very occupied and busy searching for any tidbits on the pool filter sand substrate. At water change time, even the Python Water Changer doesn't faze him.

He feeds on plenty of algae that is in the tank and I'm sure he gets an adequate amount of flakes that make it to the substrate for him to search out. I also drop in a small algae wafer for him occasionally.

He shares his 29 gallon tank with 4 Tiger Barbs, 4 Black Skirt Tetras, and 2 Bushynose Plecos. He hopes to get your vote for Fish of the Month.

Good luck to all the entries in this month's FOTM contest.
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Cropped and edited version of my photo, this one points to the Sterbai corydoras mentioned in the text.
I suck at taking phone pictures and had no patience and clean glass for a better one, but you have low entries, so,...
Here are my one year old Sterbai corydoras, that are hopefully on their way to become a healthy shoal, and they will be getting a bump of 10 others to the 10 already here, after quarantine in two weeks.
They are my first ever corydoras and I absolutely adore them and hope they will do well in my tanks and maybe even breed. This one I have the biggest potential for, since she is the plumpest and has the darkest colors. She even rests on the anubias leaves under the surface sometimes, surprising me, since that aint a bottom dwelling behavior.
They are in a 360l tank with 50 ember tetras, 6 hatchetfish, 2 otocinclus, 2 bamboo shrimp and 5 tylomelania snails, which they regularly bulldoze and run over in their search for food
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This is one of my six bronze albino corydoras ( Corydoras aeneus). He is in my 30 gallon tank. He is with my wiptail catfish, three spot gourami, guppy fry and 11 kuhli loaches. There is 2 Amazon swords a bunch of small java ferns, Anubias barteri and a monstera. the tank has been set up for about 2 years and I've had them for about 6 months. Soon the tank will be taken down and replaced with a 40gallon southeast Asian themed aquarium and the Cory's will be moved to my 20 gallon tank. And maybe moved into a paludarium they might not though. I hope you like and vote for him.
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This is one of my Pictus catfish (Pimelodus pictus)

Got a group of 4 in my 5ft central american set up. Ive had the group about 12 months and their around 4 to 5 inches long now. They share the tank with Bocourti, Ellioti and Rainbow cichlids, Colombian tetra and Dension barbs.

Beautiful catfish to have as their more active than most other catfish and get a decent size without getting too big.

Good luck everyone and thank you for viewing🙂
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This is one of six of my Emerald Cories, they are not the flashiest of the catfish family, but they are special to me.

They live in a 55 USG community tank with Buenos Aries Tetras, Zebra Danios and Red Eye Tetras.
What makes them special is last year two of them developed an irritation on their backs, it was the kind folks of this forum who gave me the advice to treat and cure them.

Today they are healthy and happy, spawning and even had two fry that survived and are doing fine.

They are a testament to the kindness and helpfulness of the members of this forum. This entry is for them.
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One of my Bronze hooligans. This little terror is around 6 years old now.

Sat watching til arms almost fell off since Cories are not exactly compliant when it comes to having a photo taken

Anyway this one is in the 53 gallon with several others (a mix of Bronze and Pepper)

Photo isn't great but that's what you get when you cannot afford a new fangled uber expensive iPhone :rolleyes:
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This is one of two Pygmy Corydoras in my son's 10 gallon tank with 6 platys and 2 nerite snails. They are a lot of fun to watch swim around and "play". The one in the contest especially loves to swim up and down quickly in the tank. Unless it is in the little cave or resting up against the other one, he is swimming all over the tank. The pygmy is much more entertaining than the regular Corydoras in our 55 gallon tank. It's hard to get clear pictures of such a fast moving little one!
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This is my Panda Corydoras named Pandi. She did have one baby, but unfortunately it was eaten :(
She lives in my 60l community tank. She eats leftovers, but she also has an algae wafer every day. Occasionally she gets a treat of frozen food.
She is a really lovely fish, and I love watching her!
I hope you like her as much as I do!
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Hey fish folks! This is Pauly he is a Four Line Pictus Catfish (Pimelodus Blochii) he's about 4 1/2" in length and hangs around in the bottom of the aquarium while holding to his true nature to go scavenging about for food and lie low from the crowd above. I got him when he was maybe 2". His world is a 75G dual filter with pea gravel shared with a very colorful array of decor and other family members such as a mix of African Cichlids, Tetras, tiger barbs, Pleco, Red Tail Shark and a Firemouth. Everyone gets along with respect to territory and Pauly really holds his own and claimed his spots as well. He doesn't hold still very well for a picture but after an hour I finally got him! Pauly is completely ok with eating any of the flake food between Tetra color and Cichlid flakes and I throw in a few algae wafers 2-3 times a week at lights out for Pauly and Jaws (his friend Pleco)
Thanks for checking him out and good luck to all.
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