Vote Now! - July 2022 Tank of the Month Contest (17 to 30 US Gallons)

Vote Now - July 2022 Tank of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have 6 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' July 2022 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 US gallons. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to poll at the top of this thread, click on your choice for TOTM, and then click the "Cast" button.

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on. Winner will also be added to our TOTM WALL OF FAME

You are allowed to change your vote if you wish.
This poll will end on July 14th at 4:14 PM ET (US)
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Hello fellow TFF members! This is my 20 gallon high peacock gudgeon tank which has been set up for 261 days to be exact.
I have three anubias plants in there and multiple Java ferns.
I used some gray river stones on top some black and tan sand to create a natural river feel to it. There is also two pieces of spider wood and one nice piece of mopani wood to complete the natural feel.
I plan on getting some big anubias plants and more Java ferns as well as some tiger lotus plants.
For future animals in the tank I would love to get some shrimp, snails, and a small school of top dwelling fish.
Ph: 8.1
GH: 3
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10 (tap level)

Thank you for viewing and I hope you have a great rest of your day!
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Hi fellow TFF people. This is my 29 gallon freshwater aquarium, originally set up with just 3 sponge filters and some plants in take out trays and gravel in January 2022. I installed the undergravel filter, planted the plants properly and decorated on June 10, and went down to 2 sponge filters. The aquarium has 3 bronze corydoras and 3 white mollies. Crypto Pro tablet is the only fertilizer, by the base of the plants near the right, one time, and no CO2 is used on the tank.

Because I kept 2 sponge filters there was no ammonia / nitrite spike in the filter change. Nitrates were at 80 before I started on June 10th as I'd been gone to work for about 3.5 months without time for water changes. Nitrates were 40 ppm yesterday, 50% water change they should be at 20 ppm now. pH was at 7.5 before water change, probably about 7.8 now. My tap water comes out around 8.0. Conditioners used: none. Chlorine Remover, Fritz Pro Concentrate. All filtration is air driven, which keeps the tank cool in my Texas heat. Feeding schedule, usually one shrimp pellet a day and a tiny amount of flake.
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Hello Everyone!

Here is my 20g high aquarium. It has come a very long way since I entered it in Janurary!

Moneywort(recently added not much growth yet)
Jungle Val(recently added not that much growth yet)
Water Sprite
Pearl Weed
Salvinia Minima(floating)
Cabomba Caroliniana

Most of the plants grow fairly fast so I am able to sell the trimmings on etsy

Oak sticks(I gathered this myself. Nothing better than finding your own aquarium decor :) )
Malaysian Driftwood(bought on etsy)
Random rock from the fish store

Neon tetra(x11)
Cherry Barb(x5)
Red Eye Tetra(x3 I know they should be in a larger tank. beginner mistake)
Corydoras virginiae(x2. There were more but they died :-( )
Few pest snails(ramshorn)
frozen daphnia
frozen brine shrimp
live mosquito larvae
bug bites microgranules
bug bites flakes(spirulina and color enhancing)

The tank gets a 50% WC weekly. Dosed with Seachem Iron and Flourish as necessary.

Quietflow 10(filter)
Eheim 100w heater
AQUANEAT LED Aquarium Light(just added)
DIY acrylic lid

Ph 7.3
Gh 180ppm(i think)

NOTE: The picture may look heavily edited but its just lower exposure and taken at night with minimal adjustments to make it look as close to real-life as possible. :)
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Hey fish fam!

This is my 29 gallon male guppy tank!

To get the boring details outta the way: this tank was set up about 10 months ago to house my quickly growing rabbit guppy population. It has a ph of about 7.5 and kept at 78°. I use AquaClear/Fluval 30 gallons filter on it with added lava rocks. I can’t remember the exact wattage of the air pump, but it was meant for 100 gallon tanks and it connects to two separate air pumps. The heater, lid, and lights are the ones provided by the TopFin starter aquarium pack, because even though they may not be the highest quality, they work for what I need.

Fun part! Plants: java ferns and I think they start with the letter A. All I know is there aren’t enough! If anyone has tips on how to propagate the flat leafed plants please let me know! I know they sometimes grow a reaaaaaaaally long flower like stem every one awhile but that’s where my knowledge stops, hehe. They’re my favorite because it’s my Cory catfish’s favorite place to form a snuggle pile and one shot my heart. I don’t use fertilizer or co2, nor do I frequently actually put my plants in the substrate. I like to stick them in the decorations to add height to the decoration! As a result they have long winding roots that serve as a little jungle gym that my fish like to sleep in.

My fish stocking is 10 Cory catfish and and embarrassingly unknown amount of male guppies. Somewhere in there is a candy stripped pleco but if it weren’t for the receipt, I’d think I was hallucinating from how little I see him. I do 60% water changes every couple weeks, often times more frequently. I typically feed them flakes because it gives my dummy little Cory catfish more time to find food before the guppies can eat it all. I sometimes feed them shrimp shrinking pellets but my guppies tend to carry them away so my poor bottom dwellers can’t get a bite. And other than that I sometimes give them peas or freeze dried bloodworms.
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Click on Video :big_boss:
Click on Video
This is my 29 gallon tank housing 4 Black Skirt Tetras, 4 Tiger Barbs, 1 pepper cory, and 2 Bushynose Plecos.
The plants are Anubias. There is a large piece of driftwood that is covered with plants. The driftwood is arch shaped which allows fish to swim through it. The Plecos each have their own territory and are very peaceful.
The lighting is an 18 inch 6000K fluorescent tube. The main filter is a Marineland 200 filter. I have replaced the cartridge with a sponge and a layer of floss. I also have a large sponge filter on the right side of the tank. I do a 50% water change every 12 days and rinse out the filter sponge once a month. The floss in the filter gets replaced at the same time I clean and reuse the sponge. The heater is an Aqueon Pro 150 watt model. I made the 2 red pleco caves out of flagstone and rocks. The substrate is pool filter sand. The Plecos each get a large algae wafer every two days. For the other fish, I drop in New Life Spectrum flakes and occasional frozen brine shrimp. I also occasionally feed Hikari freeze dried shrimp.
Hope you like my tank as much as my fish like it ;)
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Hi guys! I've been waiting to enter for soooo long !
This is my 18 gallon high Juwel tank. I've had it for nearly 2 years now and it has changed a lot since then. It houses 10 guppies, 4 swordtails, 6 fairy cories ( corydoras atropersonatus ) 6 harlequin rasboras, guppy fry which will be given away and two small bn plecos . Okay, I know it's a bit overstocked but I'll be getting new tank soon and like 1 third of the fish will go in there. Plants are : 2 java ferns, 2 anubias nana , vallisneria nana , 1 moneywort, 1 amazon sword, 1 limnophila sessiliflora, 3 unknown sword species and 1 eleocharis vivapara ( am I spelling this correctly?)
End of Entries:
Please slowly scroll up as you review the 6 entries and select your choice for TOTM in the poll at the top of this thread. Then, click the CAST button to register your vote.

We are now accepting entries for our popular Pet of the Month contest. If you have a pet besides fish, we hope you enter it in the contest. Click HERE to view entry thread.

Upcoming Tank of the Month contests:
August: tanks sized at 31 US gallons and larger
September: tanks sized at 16 US gallons and smaller
October: tanks sized at 17 to 30 US gallons
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