Turning out the light


New Member
Apr 27, 2002
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Why do my fish start to swim at an angle when I turn out the tank light
they are going to sleep. most fish sleep at a angle. Rose
Yep Sleep :)
In the wild fish use the sun so they know which way is up, when you turn the lights out this you catch them out :) Slightly plain explanation but should explain it.
This got me thinging. If you put a tank of fish in a room with no sunlight available and used artificial light/sunlight coming from the side of the tank would the fish swim on their sides? or say fo instance the light source was underneath would they swim upside-down? Gravity wouldn't come into the equation because of the Zero Boucancy thing so it wouldn't help the fish.
Just a thought.
d##n thats one experiment I don't have to do now. :laugh: :=) :D

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