Sponge filters in Fluval U3 / Nitra Zorb


New Member
Jul 31, 2020
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Bristol England
Hello all

I have a Fluval U3 filter in my new 125L aquarium, all cycled, using silent / planted cycle method. I currently have 3 platy.

The Nitrates in my tap water is around 20ppm ( the local water company say its 21ppm, which my API test kit confirms )

In another 60L tank I have running, I have had success in lowering the Nitrate to 10ppm by adding a bag of Nitra -zorb. It’s a Fluval Spec tank so there is plenty of room in the filter partition.

But back to my new tank...

I would like to add a bag of Nitra-Zorb inside my Fluval U3 filter, but to make it fit, I would need to remove one of the sponge filters inside ( the filter has two sponges, one sponge each side of the bio max media ).

So my question is, do I need 2 sponge filters in my U3? or can I run it with only one sponge, the bio max media, and the Nitra-Zorb pouch? Other ideas welcome

Many thanks
You can usually run filters with fewer sponges. the main thing is to make sure the water passes through some sort of filter media.

You could filter the tap water with nitrate removing media before using it. That would lower the nitrates going into the tank. Just get a large plastic container, fill it with tap water, add dechlorinator and aerate vigorously for 30 minutes, then put a filter on the container and let it run until the nitrates are gone.
You can usually run filters with fewer sponges. the main thing is to make sure the water passes through some sort of filter media.

You could filter the tap water with nitrate removing media before using it. That would lower the nitrates going into the tank. Just get a large plastic container, fill it with tap water, add dechlorinator and aerate vigorously for 30 minutes, then put a filter on the container and let it run until the nitrates are gone.

Thanks Colin

As my tank is relatively new, I’ve decided to not remove the sponge yet. So I have been filtering the tap water prior to adding it to my tank. I bought an external canister filter and replaced the media with a Nitra Zorb pouch. This reduces the nitrate in the tap water.

In my U3 filter (inside my tank), I run Fluval poly max cartridges and a Clean and clear cartridge (both are specific to the filter model), they are designed to remove nitrate from the water, but I’m not sure how effective they are, my water tests show that my nitrate stays at around 20ppm ( Ammonia and Nirite at 0ppm ). So I assume the cartridges help remove nitrate created by the cycle.

I am thinking about swapping my U3 filter for an external canister, so I can run more media and maybe run the Nitra Zorb constantly. Should be easier than pre filtering tap water.

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