Scaping Advice?


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2023
Reaction score
QLD, Australia

As this is my only first (and only!) tank, and am pretty new to the world of aquatic plants + aquascaping, just looking for some professional opinions on how to improve ;).

I feel like the bottom left is a bit bare…

Tank- 10 gal cube
Java fern
Java moss
Some random plant I may have stolen from a creek (ID would be appreciated from second photo, if anyone knows what it is (if it helps, I live near Brisbane, qld))

Stock (don’t question my stock, I know there are plenty of things wrong with it)
x9 neons tetras
x1 false julii cory
x2 Pygmy cories
x3 pepper cories
bladder snails (who knows how many, I added them from the pond as a cleanup crew :))

Also, while I’m here, the new plant from the creek is experiencing loss of leaves (they go transparent/yellow/white and then falling off dead). Is this iron or nitrogen deficiency, or something else? I dose seachem flourish once a week. Could it be melt? It was growing emersed at the creek but some of the exact same plants were growing submerged (I picked that one because it didn’t have any algae), but it didn’t have any issues for weeks after I got it.


EDIT: by the way the neons are all hanging at the bottom because I’de just stuck my hand in to adjust some Java fern and they hate it when I do that, not because they’re sick or anything :) Also I’m kind of going for a river bank vibe, and am trying to add some driftwood like roots or something cool


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As this is my only first (and only!) tank, and am pretty new to the world of aquatic plants + aquascaping, just looking for some professional opinions on how to improve ;).

I feel like the bottom left is a bit bare…

Tank- 10 gal cube
Java fern
Java moss
Some random plant I may have stolen from a creek (ID would be appreciated from second photo, if anyone knows what it is (if it helps, I live near Brisbane, qld))

Stock (don’t question my stock, I know there are plenty of things wrong with it)
x9 neons tetras
x1 false julii cory
x2 Pygmy cories
x3 pepper cories
bladder snails (who knows how many, I added them from the pond as a cleanup crew :))

Also, while I’m here, the new plant from the creek is experiencing loss of leaves (they go transparent/yellow/white and then falling off dead). Is this iron or nitrogen deficiency, or something else? I dose seachem flourish once a week. Could it be melt? It was growing emersed at the creek but some of the exact same plants were growing submerged (I picked that one because it didn’t have any algae), but it didn’t have any issues for weeks after I got it.


EDIT: by the way the neons are all hanging at the bottom because I’de just stuck my hand in to adjust some Java fern and they hate it when I do that, not because they’re sick or anything :) Also I’m kind of going for a river bank vibe, and am trying to add some driftwood like roots or something cool
So, from a photographer's point of view, I would add some hardscape for visual impact in the mid-to-bottom left corner...have you ever heard of the rule of thirds? If not, I would definitely look into it--that may help you to visually balance your scape :)
Wow, that is one densely planted tank! As requested, I won't question your stocking, but yeah, I'm glad you realize there are some things to fix there. :) 10 gallon cube is a rather troublesome size, in my experience, as there are very few fish that can be happy with that little floor space.

As far as your scape goes, I recommend clearing out a lot of the plants from the front and middle, so your fish have some room to swim, but leaving the plants along the back and sides. And I make another vote for some hardscape. I wouldn't do a big rock, as your tank is already so small, but a nice tree branch or two would look nice.

Gillty mentioned the rule of thirds. Here's a bit more about that. It isn't really a rule, just an idea. Basically you divide your tank into thirds vertically and horizontally, then try to put a something interesting at the intersections of those imaginary lines. It's a good way to create a coherent but still natural-looking scape. It also makes for a nice mix of sheltered and open areas, which more fish seem to appreciate.
Thanks for the replies :)

Am working on a new aqua scape now (it might be a few days before I’m properly finished, my poor fish have to suffer through being re-scaper a lot…)

Will follow suggestions on rule of thirds (And I’m having a crack at maybe Fibonacci spiral as well, we’ll see how that goes) and hopefully will look good

Such a small tank is definitely hard, but I do try...

I ripped out the random plant as well, as it seems to have nitrogen/iron deficiency and was looking pretty sad. So it’s just Java fern now…
Oooh, that sounds fun! I've been trying a hand at aquascaping in small tanks as well (I'm currently trying to design a set up for a 25l Parosphromenus tank), and being a beginner I am FEELING the struggle.

If you want to look into them, here are some links that have really helped me along with my tanks:

While some are geared more towards fish/stocking versus aquascape, all generally have some neat ideas when it comes to setups, designs, etc.
I ripped out the random plant as well, as it seems to have nitrogen/iron deficiency and was looking pretty sad. So it’s just Java fern now…

Aaaww, I was liking the look of that plant! I'm rubbish and no help at scapes, just mentioned with the unidentified plant (I don't know what it is, but it reminds me of ludwegia or hygrophilia) that often plants that are grown emersed but we then submerge them in the tanks, they go through a phase of looking pretty sad and old leaves dying off, but that's because the plant has to adjust to it's submerged form, so it can grow underwater. Swords change leave shape and have old leaves slowly decay and die off as new leaves emerge, crypts often go through crypt melt where you're left with nothing but roots - but the plant itself isn't dying, and grows back beautifully after changing to it's submerged form.

If you like the look of the same plant when grown submerged in the creek, might be worth trying again!
giltyascharged- thanks for those links, really helpful! Hope you have some success with your tanks!

AdoraBelle- Your tanks can't be that bad if you've won a totm ;)
I was thinking it might be some sort of native hygrophilia. With it melting, I did chuck it in the pond rather than out, and if that doesn't word, I always know where to get more!
Sorry, it’s been a while, was really busy and now with the new tank which needs some serious attention have had lots to do other than scape the 10gal.

Thus, it’s not quite how it want it, but wanted to upload progress anyway. Hope you like it :). (Found the random plant on the right in another random creek, submerged this time, so we’ll see how it goes.). I’ll also add some long-rooted b frog bit to top right, but can’t be bothered right now. Or Val when I buy some.,

I’ve decided the fish really hate the camera, every time I get it out they all run away.


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Looks really good! Just out of interest as am looking at getting a cube tank, does it have a lid?
Thanks! It does come with a lid, however it’s not being used at the moment as the stick is too tall for it and I haven’t broken it yet, and also to give my floater a break because they hate the humidity/wet tops that come with it ;)
Yeah I've only ever had tanks with black lids, bit ugly but have done the job. Your plants are doing very well!
Sorry, it’s been a while, was really busy and now with the new tank which needs some serious attention have had lots to do other than scape the 10gal.

Thus, it’s not quite how it want it, but wanted to upload progress anyway. Hope you like it :). (Found the random plant on the right in another random creek, submerged this time, so we’ll see how it goes.). I’ll also add some long-rooted b frog bit to top right, but can’t be bothered right now. Or Val when I buy some.,

I’ve decided the fish really hate the camera, every time I get it out they all run away.
No problem with that, as a full-time student participating in multiple activities I understand the busy part 😅

But no, that scape is looking great! As far as tops go, have you tried wire craft mesh? I don't think neons are huge jumpers, but it never hurts to be prepared 👍

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