Rummynose Tetra. How many do you need in a school?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2023
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Sri lanka
I got 6 of them 4 months back while they were smaller in body size however, presently at adolescent size males and females are ambiguous to the naked eye.

I rate rummynose tetras as my No.1 schooling fish as they own the tank schooling around laying low to the substrate since they are sensitive to light and noise.

The lingering thought is will the school hierarchy desolve or defuse the schooling lifestyle of the tetras if I add more rummynose tetras to the school.

I'm a holistic believer that fish are terotorial, competitive and aggresive over females. Any hobiest or expert in tetras could shed more insight for me weather, I should trial and error or go with statistics and research.


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10 minimum ideally 15 for them to show truly healthy and natural behavior and not be stressed. The bigger groups the better
I'm a holistic believer that fish are terotorial, competitive and aggresive over females. Any hobiest or expert in tetras could shed more insight for me weather, I should trial and error or go with statistics and research.
I'd be glad to debate that one with you. Male rummynose are aggressive with each other, mildly. Females have their own society. The shoal is fluid, more like a body composed of unconnected parts than any human style hierarchy. Rummys have no territories in nature and constantly move. There are territorial species of tetras, but none of the rummy nose species would qualify. They seem the opposite to me.

The best show they ever gave me was when I had 30. 10-15 is a good number to see how they really work - but if your aquarium is large enough, more is always better with shoalers.
Thanks for a very informative description. I absolutely love the rummynose tetras as they always school. The holistic approach is in general my take on fish. I'm still observing rummynose tetras (my 6 pack) learning how they breed and how they inspire other fish to tag a long when they school.
From what I have seen so far this past 4 months the 6 pack school around while the other fish shoal and are stationed in the tank most of the day. The only time all the (penguins, rainbows, lemons, roselinebarb, pencil and whiteclouds) shool is during a water change and when I treat the tank for bacteria infections and fish diseases.
With my pristella’s I started with 6 and they seem fine… with the Rummy’s I started with 8, and about a month later, added 8 more… they didn’t magnetically join the previous group, they slowly, over about a week assimilated… there is no “danger” in the tank, so they are a loose shoal… mine are in a 55 gallon, and while they swim the whole tank, the entire shoal seems to stay within half of the tank, as they move around… about 1/4 of the tank is more shaded, and they spend less time in that part of the tank
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With my pristella’s I started with 6 and they seem fine… with the Rummy’s I started with 8, and about a month later, added 8 more… they didn’t magnetically join the previous group, they slowly, over about a week assimilated… there is no “danger” in the tank, so they are a loose shoal… mine are in a 55 gallon, and while they swim the whole tank, the entire shoal seems to stay within half of the tank, as they move around… about 1/4 of the tank is more shaded, and they spend less time in that part of the tank
Thanks for your information, Just googled pristella fish. Very beautiful looking tetra. My concern too was as you mentioned they taking time to assimilate. So I'm gona go with trial and error on expansion of the rummynose tetra schooling clan.
so there was no aggression, it just took time for the new group, to realize the 1st group were their clan too... so the new group would hide separately, or in groups of 1 or 2... ( there are lots of hiding spots in this tank ) but they all joined the collective, within around a week, after they realized there was no threats...
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Do you quarantine the new group or only acclimatised them in the tank when you got them.
I just got my quarantine tanks up & running, I currently have 2 fish in quarantine ( one from a better than average shipper, & it doesn't look good, glad I didn't add that one to it's main tank right away ) & a couple of my tanks are close to done now... so anything else going into those are definitely quarantined... I have to mail order most everything where I'm at, so keep that in mind, & I've found Rummy's to be sickly... I had gotten one lot of 8 from what I would consider an average mail order seller, & all arrived live, but all 8 died, over night ( my water is good )... & I have bought fish from Dan's ( one of the best sellers ) ( they actually pack each fish separately ) and still have lost one or two, out of the 2 orders of 8 ordered...

I just had a bout of Ich in one tank, where I added fish directly from an average seller, because the tank wasn't anywhere close to done, & I didn't have my Quarantine tanks ready yet... I lost 4-5 of my veteran fish, that were already in the tank from Ich & the cure... so there can be a big risk...

I'm about at the point that anything I receive will go Quarantine... I trust the fish from Dan's, but any fish could succumb to the stress of shipping, & Rummy's have been one of the harder fish for me to keep... not actually alive once they are here, but if they make it here & alive & keeping them alive for a week... if your base aquarium is good, & your quarantine tank is good, I'd go that route just to be safe... especially if your main tank is getting to be where you want it, there is a lot to lose with adding new fish
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@fishdin sorry your comment got deleted when replying. Thanks for your insights definitely will work on the light. Feel more convinced now that a few trusted members have shared their views.

go with statistics and research.
This is general citations and references I get from the Internet on rummynose tetras.
Rummy's to be sickly... I had gotten one lot of 8 from what I would consider an average mail order seller, & all arrived live, but all 8 died, over night ( my water is good )... & I have bought fish from Dan's ( one of the best sellers ) ( they actually pack each fish separately ) and still have lost one or two, out of the 16 ordered...
Wow, I know the feeling when you lose them you just wana give up the hobby, Right. I agree 100% on getting your fish from recommended sellers to be on the safe side. I get mine from nano fish corner with acceptable grades.

I just had a bout of Ich in one tank, where I added fish directly from an average seller, because the tank wasn't anywhere close to done, & I didn't have my Quarantine tanks ready yet... I lost 4-5 fish from Ich & the cure...
This is when I take a hollistic approach to the hobby, sometimes you just do nothing wrong but one mothers loss is another mothers gain in nature. You just give it some time when treatment and cure fails.

if your base aquarium is good, & your quarantine tank is good, I'd go that route just to be safe... especially if your main tank is getting to be where you want it, there is a lot to lose with adding new fish
I had a gallery of base tanks but gave it away since I took some time apart from the hobby and was busy with a truck load of burdens. In the current context I got 1 main tank which I keep and watch and its heading to an ecosystem which colonies look promising in the months to come.
I was huge into tanks 20 or more years ago... when I met my now wife, I had 40 smaller tanks... then with less time than I had as a bachelor, I bought larger tanks, & got rid of all the smaller tanks... & at some point built in about 10 tanks into the semi finished basement... I ended up leaving the hobby for about 20 years... and about a year ago, I looked at those empty built in tanks, & told myself, either pull them out, or fill them up... so a little over a year ago... I started one, originally to be a lily pad tank with just a fish or two... I now have a 65 gallon, 4- 55 gallon, & 2- 45 gallon tanks running, & am in the process of cleaning up another 45 gallon to refill... I also have a custom 250 gallon that came my way, sitting in my garage right now, waiting for some home repair I'm doing, where I want to put that one... looks like I jumped back in, in a giant cannon ball...
I looked at those empty built in tanks, & told myself, either pull them out, or fill them up... so a little over a year ago... I started one, originally to be a lily pad tank with just a fish or two... I now have a 65 gallon, 4- 55 gallon, & 2- 45 gallon tanks running,
Lol, we all end up there. Good luck with your tanks and cannon ball explanation.

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