posted information not disappearing from window


Fish Guru
Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Perth, WA
Not a good title but it's hard to explain in a few words. This has been occurring for the last few days.

When I type something in the reply window for a thread and post it, the response goes into the thread without any problems. However, the response also stays in the window where it was originally written.

Normally the window will be cleared after you post it but that no longer happens. I write a response and post it. It gets posted and can be viewed but it also remains in the window at the bottom of the thread where I type the response.
I've not experienced that personally but it could explain the few double posts I've noticed recently.

Colin, does it happen every time, or in certain forums or is it random?
I think I’ve noticed the same… seemed to happen more, when I had weak internet… at least that’s what I was blaming it on
Just random threads. It could be all threads I respond to but I don't recheck every thread. I only noticed it because I posted a reply and someone responded shortly after and when I went to reply to that post, the earlier post was still in the window. I have seen it in about 6 threads so far.

It happens on both web browsers (MS Edge and Mozilla Firefox).

It's not caused by a slow internet connection. I get about 200MB/sec download speed.
It happens on both web browsers (MS Edge and Mozilla Firefox).

It's not caused by a slow internet connection. I get about 200MB/sec download speed.
I agree that this would not likely be a speed issue but you are lucky if you actually get that tested 200Mb/sec. Actual speed is usually less important than throughput. Many ISP's 'throttle' data transfers so, while you may show a speed of 200Mb/sec, the throughput is likely much less especially during peek hours. Still, I can't see where this could be a cause of your issue.

To my knowledge I have not seen this issue myself but I HAVE seen a few double posts...
It has been happening to me. I now have to open a second site window after I hit Post Reply so I can see the thread and if my post was uploaded. That is now how I am preventing double posts after I had to delete the very first one this problem caused me to make.

If it helps--> Windows 10 pro. Browsers I use are Pale Moon or Firefox. Both are pretty much kept up to date. I do not store any cookies or history. I do not do tabbed browsing, every site gets it's own window and when I leave a site I close the window and my software automatically deletes anything a site may have put on my PC or into a cache.
Even though I have not seen this issue when I post it is obvious that it IS an issue for some. As a work-a-round, when you post, the thread should update showing your post. If the post is still in the reply box just sweep your mouse across the reply box to highlight everything and hit delete. Not a real solution but would do for a work-a-round until fixed.
Even though I have not seen this issue when I post it is obvious that it IS an issue for some. As a work-a-round, when you post, the thread should update showing your post. If the post is still in the reply box just sweep your mouse across the reply box to highlight everything and hit delete. Not a real solution but would do for a work-a-round until fixed.
That doesn't fix it. If you delete the reply that is in the reply window and shut the page down, it is there the next time you open it.

I can delete all of the post in the reply window except for one letter and wait a minute, then close the window. If I do this the reply will be gone except for the one letter I left behind. But if I delete it all, it doesn't go.
I agree that this would not likely be a speed issue but you are lucky if you actually get that tested 200Mb/sec. Actual speed is usually less important than throughput. Many ISP's 'throttle' data transfers so, while you may show a speed of 200Mb/sec, the throughput is likely much less especially during peek hours. Still, I can't see where this could be a cause of your issue.
I use a 5G mobile phone for my internet because I can't afford separate internet and a phone and we didn't have the internet here until the end of last year. That's right folks, I live 20km east of Perth (the capital city of Western Australia) and we didn't have internet here until the end of 2023.

It's been really good since I changed mobile phone networks. On the new network I have had speed tests hit 280MB/s download (50MB/s upload) but the computer can't keep up with that and slows down to 200MB/s. I'm not sure if I actually get 200MB/s when downloading things but I can download 6-10 hi-def movies at the same time and play online games without any issues. This is much better than when I was on the optus network and got 200KB/s download speeds and it took 5 minutes to load a search page :)
If you delete the text in a post it could still be saved as a draft. After deleting text I always 'delete draft' as well.

My suggestion to try 'delete draft' was to see if doing that would help when Colin said
If you delete the reply that is in the reply window and shut the page down, it is there the next time you open it.

It sometimes happens that I'm half way through typing a reply when the phone rings, or my husband needs help doing something 'right now'. When I come back there are often more posts saying what I was going to say so I delete the text of my reply and go to a different thread. If I later open that thread again, my text is still in the reply box. I have learned that when this happens as well as deleting my text I also need to 'delete draft'.
The software auto-saves what's in the reply box after a certain length of time. If you type something, then decide it's not relevant and immediately delete it, autosave hasn't kicked in yet. But if the text has been in the reply box for several minutes it is autosaved.
I co not know if it is fixed but the last post I made it did not have th problem. I hit Post Reply and it worked like normal. I will know in about 5 seconds as I am hitting Post Reply now.

Editied for the below

It posted and nothing remained in the Reply Box. It appears fixed, at least from what I see.
I just had this happen in a private message. I posted yesterday and there was a reply, which I've just read. The post I made yesterday was in the conversation and also in the reply box. So I deleted it, used the 'delete draft' button, then posted another reply. The new post does not still appear in the reply box - yet!

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