Plec advice

Elephant nose 4

Fish Crazy
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 26, 2019
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Hi im looking for a plec to go into my elephant noses tank.
Nothing to big, but it has be ok with meat as my elephant noses get this daily.
I have researched but would like advice here. Veggies also go into the tank for the snails.
This plec isn't for cleaning its for me as I miss not having them.
My elephant noses lived with a plec for 5 years and got on great. I wouldn't do anything that would cause upset I care a lot about my elephants.
Bear in mind a carnivorous plec will eat the elephants’ food, and probably be defensive of its feeding territory.
Bear in mind a carnivorous plec will eat the elephants’ food, and probably be defensive of its feeding territory.
Yep we have thought of that so I decided to wait.
Thanks for the advice
Been to Shed Aquarium, they have elephant nose in a giant tank with tons of plecos... royals, Titanic, common.

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