Panda Barb


Fish Herder
Feb 15, 2009
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Scientific name: Puntius fasciatus

Common names: Panda barb, Striped barb

Family: Cyprinidae

Origin: India

Maximum size: 5"

Care: A very easy to take care of, hardy barb. They grow very rapidly, and therefore should be kept in 30 gallon tanks of bigger. Like most cyprinids, panda barbs are a schooling species. Though they don't tend to be very aggressive, it is recommended that they stay in a shoal of 6 or more. They will eat most plants. They do not tend to be picky when it comes to food though, and do like to steal other fishes food.

Feeding: A variety of foods is needed, including vegetables, bloodworms, flakes and brine shrimp.

Sexing: Females tend to be duller.

Breeding: Breeding rarely happens and has not been recorded in captivity.

Notes: A very fast, active and hardy fish. Great for beginners.

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