New Project: Axolotls!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2023
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Hello everyone!

I often get a lot of questions about axolotls, and wanted to share some of the information I’ve gathered through experience with them the past couple years.

Some of the main questions I get are:

1. “How to cool off an axolotl’s tank?”
This is one of the absolute most common questions. Axolotls enjoy temps anywhere from 60-68. I personally keep mine at 66 with a simple aquarium fan. I have never kept axolotls in anything larger than a 30 gallon, so I am unsure if fans would work for larger tanks. An aquarium chiller is another option that people tend to avoid, because chillers can cost hundreds of dollars.

2. “Best decorations for axolotl tanks?”
This can be a difficult question to answer. I’ve always kept my axolotls on Carib-Sea supernatural sand, and axolotls below 4” on bare-bottom tanks. Clay pots and large stones like lava rock are also good, as long as they are 2-3 times the axolotls head.

3. “Minimum tank size?”
Minimum tank size for adult axolotls is a highly debated subject. I would recommend a 20 gallon long for one, or maybe two short-term, and a 29 gallon for two permanently.

I’ve always loved the uniqueness of axolotls, and would love to share their oddness to other hobbyists.

I just bought some axolotl eggs, and an axolotl breeding pair. The female from the pair is a blue gilled lucy, and the male is a black melanoid. Currently the axolotl eggs are about to hatch.

I have pictured below the axolotl eggs as of yesterday.
Looking forward to watching the progress, keep us updated!
Some of the axolotls hatched this morning! They are so tiny! The majority are white with black spots. I just started the brine shrimp hatchery and they should eat in the next 2-3 days.
If you can collect or culture daphnia, you will probably find them to be easier to work with than the brine shrimp.
They can also eat chopped blackworms right from the start.
I do plan on feeding black worms when I can get them in, but where I live it’s hard to find them. I could order daphnia but I have the brine shrimp as a staple for now, and brine shrimp are widely available here. Thanks for the suggestion though, and I may order daphnia or black worms later on.
The babies from one tub have all hatched, but the babies from the other tub needed some help hatching. It was day 22 for them inside the egg, and they couldn’t seem to get out on their own. I also got the breeding pair pictured below.

A couple of years ago I gave my grand nice two axelotls as a birthday present. She was asking for them for a long time. It went very well the first couple of months. But at some point, one grew faster then the other. And the bigger one ate the smaller one. So, my grand niece was left with just one. I got her a new one and the same thing happened again. So, I told her: Maybe you should keep him just by himself. And that went great!
Lol, yeah they can be quite hungry creatures, and though they’re not aggressive, they will eat anything that fits in their mouthes.

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