New clown seems lethargic

I’m feeding him flakes at the moment but looking into other things like mysis. Suggestions? Tank is a 10g. Tested for ammonia earlier and 0. Nitrate around 15ppm. Not home right now so don’t have a nitrite reading
Mysis is a very good food for clowns. Another great option is NLS (New Life Spectrum) Pellets, which is what I use.

When you do get home, test salinity as well.
Mysis is a very good food for clowns. Another great option is NLS (New Life Spectrum) Pellets, which is what I use.

When you do get home, test salinity as well.
Thanks for the help! One more thing—donya mentioned that it’s normal to hide somewhere but not normal for it to just be laying there. Mine is kinda laying there. Occasionally gets up, swims around a bit in his area, then goes back. Although while he’s laying down, his fins are still moving a bit. Just not his body. Is this normal??
I had live rock but found a bristleworm that I couldn’t be sure if it was a fireworm or not so I had a midlife crisis and took it out😓
Contrary to popular belief, Bristleworms are actually a very important part of the CUC. (Clean up crew) As long as you don’t touch them, they can remain in the tank.

Some people don’t like the idea of them being in there, which is up to the aquarist, but I personally don’t mind.
Thanks for the help! One more thing—donya mentioned that it’s normal to hide somewhere but not normal for it to just be laying there. Mine is kinda laying there. Occasionally gets up, swims around a bit in his area, then goes back. Although while he’s laying down, his fins are still moving a bit. Just not his body. Is this normal??
Does he appear to be breathing heavily? I would try to turn the light off for a few hours and see if he becomes more active. He could be in shock from the light reflecting off the white decor.
Contrary to popular belief, Bristleworms are actually a very important part of the CUC. (Clean up crew) As long as you don’t touch them, they can remain in the tank.

Some people don’t like the idea of them being in there, which is up to the aquarist, but I personally don’t mind.
I know bristleworms can be helpful but I never got a good look at it and was scared it was a fireworm instead
Does he appear to be breathing heavily? I would try to turn the light off for a few hours and see if he becomes more active. He could be in shock from the light reflecting off the white decor.
He seemed to be breathing a bit heavily. I watched some videos of other clowns breathing heavily and he isn’t as fast as those. I just don’t know if I’m overreacting or not
A tall tank isnt as good as a long because then they have less swim space. Especially for a species that likes the bottom, a longer tank is always better than a taller one. But this depends on how long this tank really is
He seemed to be breathing a bit heavily. I watched some videos of other clowns breathing heavily and he isn’t as fast as those. I just don’t know if I’m overreacting or not
Most likely just overreacting. If he’s still acting like this in a few days, then I would be worried. But for now, I would just turn the light off for the rest of the day and see if his behavior changes.
Most likely just overreacting. If he’s still acting like this in a few days, then I would be worried. But for now, I would just turn the light off for the rest of the day and see if his behavior changes.
I’ve had the lights off for a couple hours and he still seems to be laying like this…


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It takes fish a while (sometimes a week) for fish to adjust to their sutroundings.
He’s pretty much just laying there. Occasionally gets up, swims a bit in his area, then goes back
Can you post a video of the fish?
If you use a phone to film it, hold the phone horizontally so the image fills the entire screen. Take a 1 minute recording and upload it to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here.
I’ve had the lights off for a couple hours and he still seems to be laying like this…
Most likely just overreacting. If he’s still acting like this in a few days, then I would be worried. But for now, I would just turn the light off for the rest of the day and see if his behavior changes.
Okay this seriously does not seem normal. He was swimming around like crazy last night and still pretty active right now. This morning I woke up and he’s so much paler than yesterday! I’m so worried about him! What could be happening?!


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Okay this seriously does not seem normal. He was swimming around like crazy last night and still pretty active right now. This morning I woke up and he’s so much paler than yesterday! I’m so worried about him! What could be happening?!
What is the temperature of the water? Sometimes clownfish will loose color because the temperature isn’t right.

Test again for ammonia, because that could be the cause.

But you said he’s still active?
What is the temperature of the water? Sometimes clownfish will loose color because the temperature isn’t right.

Test again for ammonia, because that could be the cause.

But you said he’s still active?
Temp is 78. Params are good. Came home today and he’s got his color back. Read some threads and it seems like a lot of fish lose some color when they sleep. He’s still active! Yesterday he wasn’t doing much but today he’s all over the place

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