Netcode's 60 Gallon Journal

thats what i was hoping for.. once it attaches itself i can get rid of it.

Plus everything has to grow in.. those hygrophila's in the back will grow up to the top and same with the "grass" ( i don't really know the name of it).
i like what you have done with the tank.
i like the wood and what you did with the substrate especialy around the plants and the planting of these and also youre fish selection .
i dont know what habitat these fish are from but they fit in with the decor very well.
and for a first attempt well done.

the only contsructive critisisms' i have are,
1, the filter spoils the look of the tank with the choice of no background if only you could afford an external canister filter.
2, possibly put a heater at either end for a more even heating of the tank the filter inlet outlets will be at either end too.

jus a thought or 2
zedone thanks for the tips.

if i could afford to change my filter i would. I am going to look into something for a background that will cover it up. as for the intake i am hoping the plants will grow high enough to begin to cover it up. I think i will tank into consideration getting another heater and adding it to the other side. maybe that will make the fish swim around a bit more.
little update if anyone is interested.. here is a pic. the plants grow very slow so there may not be that big of a change. anyways the java moss if filling out.. soon enough I will rip some off and plant more along the drift wood. I wish the polysperma in the back would get a little taller, maybe after i start adding some trace ferts they will grow a bit larger.

So what ferts are you planning on (substrate and liquid)?

Is that an aquaclear filter?

I am planning this week to purchase some seachem flourish and possibly the root tabs as well. As for any other ferts, with my low-tech tank at 1.3 wpg and no CO2 injection I don't think it is a good idea to dose any N or P.

and yes it is an aquaclear 70.

your tank is looking great!!

thank you much. its my first tank and i am pretty happy with it so far. there has been some minor set backs though due to algae issues. I hope that a little more light and some trace ferts will help the growth rate of the plants. I am also going to add some more species to the background of the tank, something fast growing to see if it will help rid this algae. I am thinking hornwort? that is fairly fast growing and tall?
Tank is coming along nicely :) unfortunately low-light tanks just take longer so be patient.

Hornwort is a floating plant and doesn't produce roots, you can anchor it into the substrate but it wont root and hold itself down. Ive got lots if you want some and are in the UK?

Tank is coming along nicely :) unfortunately low-light tanks just take longer so be patient.

Hornwort is a floating plant and doesn't produce roots, you can anchor it into the substrate but it wont root and hold itself down. Ive got lots if you want some and are in the UK?


Low-light tanks do seem to take quite a bit longer. I was dosing organic carbon from seachem but when algae started to really grow i stopped and it seems like algae has slowed down. now on the other hand the growth of my plants has too. I am hoping the trace ferts will give them a kick.

Unfortunatley I am not in the UK. I thought hornwort was something else if thats the case. The one I was thinking about is very tall and fluffy like. hmm let me look around at the tanks and see if I can find a name.
Update. I added 5 more plants. I also started dosing Seachem Flourish today. If all goes well I might even go back to dosing the organic carbon too. I am still having problems getting very good pics, the tank is 4 feet long so i have to get quite far away. Anyways let me know what you think. I also tried a different angle too. plus if anyone has any idea as to what the plants are let me know, i just pretty much picked up them frmo the LFS and the guy there didn't seem to know a thing about plants.

These are the 5 new plants i added.

Full tank.

From right side.

Close up of the few foreground plants i added.
(imgspot is being retarded.. i will try uploading again in a bit)
the java moss will be planted all along the wood eventually. i want to keep it short and thick. its just taking time. I really don't think its thick enough yet to cut and replant.. i will prolly wait another few weeks.

I do have a question thought. At 2 wpg is it possible to get by without CO2? I understand that 2wpg is normally considered as high light and co2 is required or else you will run into algae issues but i really don't have the money to get co2 at this time and i don't wanna tamper with the water while fish are in it. But at the same time i want to upgrade my light.

Also fishkiller I think the first one might be Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.. check the tropica website and see what u think.
I have been reading a TON of information regarding DIY co2. I think I can get by with a DIY co2 system for my tank. But I still have to make some decisions regarding lighting, either making it myself or buying a premade one from ebay.
More images... Aug 29th.

I started dosing flourish about two weeks ago and seachems excel about a week ago. The results have been fantastic. I will let you see from the pictures..

this egeria densa(the fluffy looking stuff) grows like an inch or two a day.. its crazy.




Left Side


Right Side
Your tank is looking sweet. Once i finish the tank i'm working on outfitting and then get a big tank my 33 is going to be turned into a plant tank. By the way i like your piece of drift wood it doesn't become the main feature of a planted tank.

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