My 2022 Garden Journal

Thats quite the garden you have there. How well does the electric fence do at keeping the deer away?
The purpose of the electric fence with two strands close to the ground is for rabbits and woodchucks and such.
I don't seem to have much of a deer problem, but for deer, I picked up a tip from a rancher in Texas...I string monofilament fishline waist and chest high. If/when the deer move up against the line, they feel it, but can't see it so won't try to jump over. Of course if a deer is running it's going down...but I haven't had this happen.
The purpose of the electric fence with two strands close to the ground is for rabbits and woodchucks and such.
How many vegetables could a woodchuck chuck over an electric fence, if a woodchuck could chuck vegetables :)

I would love a bit of land to grow things. The closest I have to a garden now is a combination of winter grass and weeds that started growing between the pavers out the back.
The purpose of the electric fence with two strands close to the ground is for rabbits and woodchucks and such.
I don't seem to have much of a deer problem, but for deer, I picked up a tip from a rancher in Texas...I string monofilament fishline waist and chest high. If/when the deer move up against the line, they feel it, but can't see it so won't try to jump over. Of course if a deer is running it's going down...but I haven't had this happen.
Interesting. Here in NJ we have a major deer problem. We built a full enclosure with a roof. Its the only thing able to keep the deer away.
I would love a bit of land to grow things. The closest I have to a garden now is a combination of winter grass and weeds that started growing between the pavers out the back.
Hows the price of land in Australia? Here in the US its gone up a bunch.
Hows the price of land in Australia? Here in the US its gone up a bunch.
Absolutely ridiculous. Land on its own or land and house prices have doubled or more since covid started. People were buying up everything and there are still hundreds of thousands of people left homeless due to the pandemic.

Now the reserve bank has decided to increase interest rates and people can't afford to pay off their mortgages and are having to sell their houses for less than they bought them for. Apparently the cost of housing is meant to come down in the next year or so due to this.

It doesn't help though. There just isn't enough houses for everyone that lives here and the state and federal government's are actively encouraging tourism here even though the pandemic isn't over and we have nowhere for people to stay.

And we hijacked AbbeysDad's thread again, sorry :)
Absolutely ridiculous. Land on its own or land and house prices have doubled or more since covid started. People were buying up everything and there are still hundreds of thousands of people left homeless due to the pandemic.

Now the reserve bank has decided to increase interest rates and people can't afford to pay off their mortgages and are having to sell their houses for less than they bought them for. Apparently the cost of housing is meant to come down in the next year or so due to this.

It doesn't help though. There just isn't enough houses for everyone that lives here and the state and federal government's are actively encouraging tourism here even though the pandemic isn't over and we have nowhere for people to stay.

And we hijacked AbbeysDad's thread again, sorry :)
The same in New Zealand
Mind you, we treat our indigenous people better than the Australians so they will always have a home.

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