Mixing ferilizers


New Member
Nov 24, 2021
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Hello tff!

Anyone knows if i can mix Azoo Plant Premium and Flourish Trace in a 120 gallon tank? Would there be any issue or is it ok? Also, what would be the doses? I dont want to overdose the ferts or kill plants or fish for mixing, so any help is appreciated.
Personally, I would not use either one. I have been using tropica Ferts for oabout 22 years now. They offer two water based ferts. i have both.
  • Contains iron, magnesium and vital micro nutrients
  • Does not contain nitrogen and phosphor
  • Suitable for aquariums with few or slow-growing plants and many fish
  • Contains nitrogen and phosphor for fast-growing and demanding plants
  • Also contains iron, magnesium and vital micro nutrients
  • Suitable for aquariums with many and fast-growing plants
Azoo Plant premium uses EDTA and DTPA incredents for the micros. These ingredients will not react with carbonate in the water. Flourish Trace uses sulfate ingredients that react with carbonate. So in pactic Flourish trace should be added in small amounts once a day while Aloo once a week will do.

Flourish Trace does not have iron. And it has no macros. (nitrogen postassium phosphate. calcium and magnesium

Azoo has no nickel or chlorine or calcium .The iron this fertilizer is good to a maximum PH of 8. If your PH is higher the iron will not be available for plants.

Ingeneral Nickel Chlorine, and calcium deficiencies shouldn't be an issue because most tap were has them. however if you have very soft water or are using RO water you might have to add these nutrients.

If you follow the instructions on each bottle you will be a long way away from toxic nutrient levels. In my experience nceFertilizer toxicity is practically not an issue. The biggest issue with fertilizers is deficiencies. If one one nutrient is missing plants will not grow but algae (which needs the same nutrients will do very well. Most commonly the nutrients that are deficiency are eh ones not in the fertilizer bottle.

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