Male or Female Betta Help Please


New Member
May 13, 2017
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I purchased these bettas as females and told I could keep then in th same tank so I did. I have separated them due to fighting which made me separate them. Is this a male have I been sold the incorrect breed? There are also a bubble nest in the tank too. What do u peeps think


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Yes that is a male plakat, they are often misold as females due to their shorter finnage. See if the shop will replace him for you for a female, females will fight too for dominance especially in smaller groups so you may want to up the amount to 6 if you have the tank space for it.
How big is your tank? can we see a photo of it.

Sororoties can be intresting I sit and watch my girls for hours, My Dumbo girl who I call Sassy, She loves to hide in the plants till one of the other girls swims past then pop out and flare, This results in the Dumbo getting chased around the tank a few times, as soon as the chasing stops shes off again looking for trouble. Sometimes she is chased sometimes she is doing the chasing.

Expect a few squabbles and nipped fins especially while the girls settle in.

My tips for a sorority tank.
Set up plant out and cycle your tank. Most important.
Lots of plants including floating plants, There is no such thing as too many plants.
Only get young fish or fish that are already in sororities.
Keep the water very clean, this reduces stress and fights, and helps nipped fins heal.
Do not rearange the tank, The girls will have small teretories or places where they like to retreat to rearanging plants causes stress and fights.
When adding a new fish introductions are important, dont just dump the new girl in get a small keeper net and leave the new fish in there for a few days, she is less likeley to be attacked.
When feeding make sure all the fish get fed, Don't just dump some food in the tank as the stronger faster fish will get most of it, this also reduces the need for the fish to feel they need to compeate ( they still will but its not aggressive ).

Check out my sorority.
My sorority rebuild
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I have a 54 litre tank for them but had to split them as they were ripping fins up. The one pictured is in a 24 litre atm and I am looking to re home him because I'm sure he's male like the previous member said
How big is your tank? can we see a photo of it.

Sororoties can be intresting I sit and watch my girls for hours, My Dumbo girl who I call Sassy, She loves to hide in the plants till one of the other girls swims past then pop out and flare, This results in the Dumbo getting chased around the tank a few times, as soon as the chasing stops shes off again looking for trouble. Sometimes she is chased sometimes she is doing the chasing.

Expect a few squabbles and nipped fins especially while the girls settle in.

My tips for a sorority tank.
Set up plant out and cycle your tank. Most important.
Lots of plants including floating plants, There is no such thing as too many plants.
Only get young fish or fish that are already in sororities.
Keep the water very clean, this reduces stress and fights, and helps nipped fins heal.
Do not rearange the tank, The girls will have small teretories or places where they like to retreat to rearanging plants causes stress and fights.
When adding a new fish introductions are important, dont just dump the new girl in get a small keeper net and leave the new fish in there for a few days, she is less likeley to be attacked.
When feeding make sure all the fish get fed, Don't just dump some food in the tank as the stronger faster fish will get most of it, this also reduces the need for the fish to feel they need to compeate ( they still will but its not aggressive ).

Check out my sorority.
My sorority rebuild
they were only 2 for £2.50 so I could leave them but they look male not female
I would say its a male, PK's are hard to sex when young.

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