Lizard Hillstream’s coloring up nicely

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Brilliant black and white zebra striping on the tail plus
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There are 3 lizards in this tank, along with 4 other varieties of Hillstream’s, totaling 15, in a 55 gallon aquarium… and all seem to get along… I have strong lighting, on for most of the day, to promote algae growth in the tank, and since most are biofilm eaters I supplement my tank’s algae with Bacter AE, and also feed Repashi soilient green
Never seen those before, they look stunning. I love the idea of this set up too I bet its an interesting one
Dan's still has 50 of these in stock right now... ( linked above )
on a side note... I'm changing around the Repashi sticks in my Asian tanks... I got some outdoor rated plastic bamboo, sticks nearly identical size to the wood sticks I'm using... so I intend to put the Repashi on these, & when the food is gone, they'll look just like bamboo sticks... ( I've been told "real" bamboo is not good for tanks, & gives off a rot, that's bad for fish... so these will look just like bigger bamboo sticks, but are outdoor rated plastic... not painted ) it should blend in nicely with the background on my tank... as can be seen in the above pictures… here is a wood stick and the background... there is a Panda Garra on this stick, & a lizard Hillstream loach visible on the background to the left of the stick, between the "Stargate" and the hanging pot... looks like its on a big stalk of bamboo...
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