Little River Rio


🏆 Tank of the Year 🏆
3x Fish of the Month 🌟
4x Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 21, 2019
Reaction score
Staffordshire England

Opinions please🙂

Ive got a 47g (180ltr) which will be heavily planted (more plants on way), Currently housing Cardinal and Rummy nose Tetra with pepper cory as bottom dwellers.

Tanks crying out for something to patrol the top level and Pearl gourami's are the first specie to jump in my head.

Anyone see any issues with a trio (1m 2f) in this set up?

Tanks 101 x 41 x 50 cm with a Ph 7.4 and Gh 9

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Hatches are certainly something different and more unusual but not really my cup of tea🙂
They fly too and unlike flying fish in sea its powered. Though that can be a worry on water change day and when u fiddle with the plants...

And unlike other top fish they don't invade the rest of tank like gourami do.
When the floating plants have increased to the point of basically covering the entire surface, the cardinals will be more mid-tank, and the rummy will be more inclined to move a bit further up in the water column. Though both are still lower half species. Surface fish include the Penguin Tetras, they are less sensitive than some surface fish. Gourami as mentioned.
Yes i agree, although i dont know whether another shoal of tetra or other may look overkill:dunno:thought of pencil fish too but was closer to the gourami option because it will possible make a bigger impact to the tank.

That and i think they are stunning fish. I will certainly look up hatchfish and the penguin tetra's tho so thank you for the suggestions
I don't see a problem with it. Hatchets are some of my favorites, but jump constantly and won't be alright when your top plants fill in. Penguin tetras are cool as well, but if you prefer the gouramis run with it.
I have pearl gouramis and I love them. They are extremely friendly and curious. They know you and will greet you as soon as you walk into the room. They are all over the tank but never bother my other fish. When I clean the tank they come and peck at my hand to see if I have food for them. They love their food and will even go clean up the bottom of the tank. They make a beautiful show in a tank but don’t get as big as angelfish. You won’t regret having them. ;)
I have pearl gouramis and I love them. They are extremely friendly and curious. They know you and will greet you as soon as you walk into the room. They are all over the tank but never bother my other fish. When I clean the tank they come and peck at my hand to see if I have food for them. They love their food and will even go clean up the bottom of the tank. They make a beautiful show in a tank but don’t get as big as angelfish. You won’t regret having them. ;)
Thats good to know thank you:)

Ive wanted Pearls for a long time and had them in my plans for other tank setups but always seem to go in other direction stocking wise.

Can i ask how many and what ratio you have in your set up please?
African Butterfly fish would be really cool in this setup
Now they are a cool looking fish but ive read they can prey on smaller fish. Dont know how true that is.

Thanks for the suggestion tho:good:
Now they are a cool looking fish but ive read they can prey on smaller fish. Dont know how true that is.

Thanks for the suggestion tho:good:
I first left this forum site over these fish. I said I was keeping them in a tank with Cardinals etc . and I was told I was a Liar. These guys are fantastic and only hang at the top of he tank. Feed them mosquito larvae, just keep a supply all the time on the top of the tank. They are supper cool. The fish that I have on my, I must breed before I die list.

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