Lighting size question


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
Reaction score
So the new tank I'm getting is 36" long... I'd want to get a new light and upgrade from the one I have now bur I'm debating on the size...
Right now I have a 24" hygger sunrise/sunset LED light and I'm wondering if I can use that for a good amount of time (probably more than a month) on a 36" aquarium. I honestly think it will do pretty well but I just wanted opinions on it lol.
When I DO upgrade the light, I'm thinking of just doing a 30" light. It would be concentrated on the center and then diffuse around the edges which would be a pretty cool affect imo.
Or I could do a 36" light (definitely more expensive) and have the classic fully lit aquarium, which would also look really nice!

I'm thinking of using the Nicrew brand if I upgrade as I've heard really good things about them...
So the new tank I'm getting is 36" long... I'd want to get a new light and upgrade from the one I have now bur I'm debating on the size...
Right now I have a 24" hygger sunrise/sunset LED light and I'm wondering if I can use that for a good amount of time (probably more than a month) on a 36" aquarium. I honestly think it will do pretty well but I just wanted opinions on it lol.
When I DO upgrade the light, I'm thinking of just doing a 30" light. It would be concentrated on the center and then diffuse around the edges which would be a pretty cool affect imo.quire
Or I could do a 36" light (definitely more expensive) and have the classic fully lit aquarium, which would also look really nice!

I'm thinking of using the Nicrew brand if I upgrade as I've heard really good things about them...
Hello. I use NICREW LED lighting. It's not too expensive and the light lasts a long time. Should work fine for a shorter tank as long as you keep to the plants that only require low to moderate light.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello. I use NICREW LED lighting. It's not too expensive and the light lasts a long time. Should work fine for a shorter tank as long as you keep to the plants that only require low to moderate light.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Awesome! Thanks!

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