Is my plecostomus mad???????


May 26, 2002
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I am hopeing that maybe a few of you can put my mind at rest on something here? of my many Common Pleco's has a very unusual habit :what:
He resides in my Malawi Cichlid tank and most of the time behaves like anyone would expect a Pleco to algae of the rocks, glass etc and resting on his fin tips on the bottom like a tripod lol feeding time he will go into his "im going slightly mad" routine lol...........this involves swimming up to the surface and turning onto his back to suck flake food and anything else that is being fed to the Malawi's from the surface :what: .........i have never heard of this behaviour and amoungst all of my other Pleco's (16 in total :0 ) i have never witnessed any of these performing this strange habit :what:

So have any of you got a Catfish with a whacky habit? or can any of you shed some light on my Pleco's wierd habit? or do i have a real nutter of a fish on my hands? lol :p
My pleco once got his nose trapped in the shell of a snail... Snails have a trapdoor which they close and his nose got trapped while searching for algae :( It was a very sad sight and he had no chance of getting his nose out so in the end I had to pull him out :( He had a very red nose for 2 days but since then he has been right as rain and avoids the snails!
And let me guess youve called him Rudolph lol

Trapped in a snail huh? thats a first lol........was it one of those Apple Snails? as some of them are really quite big

Nikki's sadly departed Farrowella (Stick Pleco) got his nose stuck in a Fluval Biolife filter not so long ago when something spooked him and he shot across the tank and got firmly wedged in the intake grooves lol........... i had to pull him outta that fix too lol

The things we do for our fish hey? lol
Every now and again Fish (no matter what the species) do something daft. It's one of the reasons why I keep them,You never know what they will do next. I've had a few bottom dwellers that have done that in the past(Turning upside down and feeding from the surface). But nowing you m8 I'd say whatever you've got the fish are catching it. :p :laugh:
If I were ni a tank of greadyfish I'd turn on my back and that flake from the surface just to make sure I got feed. :laugh:

I've never seen my fish do anything mad. Well I've got Sandra, two kids, two dogs and a rab so anything mad in my house is just normal :0 :eek: :0
I blame the aliens........hence all of my fish now wear tin foil hats curtesy of Mr Kipling lololol
One of my sterbai can do that!!

He goes up to the netbreeder flips upside down and goes along eaten all the uneaten baby flakes!!

My fish are the best :D

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