Interesting new super easy way to feed Repashi… especially to your aufwuchs eaters

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I recently bought some Repashi, and trying to find a way to feed my Aufwuchs eaters
I had some sticks from the driftwood from my old tanks ( about 1 inch in diameter, and 18 - 20 inches long )
I soaked them overnight, and spread the Repashi on them like jelly, and stuck them back into the tanks… there is a lot of competition for food in these tanks, and these Repashi sticks are working great for feeding my Hillstream’s, plecos, Panda Garra’s, and Oto’s… if I just drop chunks of it in, everyone else beats these fish to it… if I mix the Repashi a little on the wetter side, I can butter up the sticks with an old butter knife… super easy to pull the sticks out, butter them up, and insert them back in
Apple snail likes them too….
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My plan right now is to butter these up every other day, or every third day, as part of my regular feeding… I noticed my biggest angel grazing on one, and my pink kisser ( which is also an Aufwuchs eater… didn’t see any of the Tetras, or barbs ( both of which are more aggressive eaters ) working the Repashi sticks, though they may have after I quit watching them…. If I have too much other competition, I’ll feed everyone else at the same time… The Repashi is pretty much gone from the sticks right now, but earlier there was 4 Hillstream’s, and 2 Pandas on one stick, and today was the 1st feeding once they get used to doing this I expect the sticks will be cleaned off pretty much right away…

Putting them in is easy, when they are the right length, I just push one end down to the bottom of the front glass, and slide the other end under the lip on the plastic border at the top in the back… I just get the tip of one finger and my thumb wet, when pulling them out, and reinstalling
I had just a couple little Hillstream’s, that were kinda skinny… one was just on the front glass with a big fat belly… so this is good, I had been looking at ways to boost the food for my Aufwuchs eaters, as I’m wanting to add a few more varieties of Hillstream’s, as they become available… so, with the Bactor AE every other day, and the Repashi sticks, I think I’m in good shape to move forward, as any new varieties become available
Clever ideas !!! Thanks for sharing it... Targeted feeding is the way to a sane overcrowded tank.

I'm soaking some catappa leaves with bacter AE at the moment, in small tote over a heating pad. 1st To check how much time it takes to develop a good film. 2nd when it's ripe enough, will put it in the shrimps tank. And see how it goes.
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I just dip a rock into the still hot and somewhat liquid Soilent Green. Then I let it dry and either store it in the fridge or put it in the tank. I have pics but my camera is in our other building where many of my pleco tanks are. I was shooting out there last night for sale purposes and left the camera out there.

I feed my shrimp the SG as well as both the normal and the mini Hikari algae wafers. Then there is some zucchini and some Ebo-Aquaristik veggies sticks as well as a more commercial veggie stick. The amanos will eat anything and love to pick up and carry away anything they can. They do not like to share.
2nd time on the Repashi sticks… mixed up the Repashi before supper, that was a mistake, it went from the consistency of creamy butter, to like trying to rub in hard boiled egg…. I got a good coating on 3 sticks tonight, but it was as a lot more effort, than if I would spread it on when it was creamy… the sticks were wet when I applied it, and I let them sit out of the water for a half hour… they are a big hit with the fish… the sticks were rough and dried out, originally, so the Repashi sticks in the grooves and stays on quite nicely
You can reheat gelled Repashy in the microwave and it will reliquify. You will need to play with this some to figure out what setting and for what time to use for any given amount you want to reliquify. I know this works because a 1/2 square inch piece cut from some I had in the fridge went to liquid in under 10 seconds in my 1100w microwave.

If possible have more than one stick for feeding. You can put the extra s in the fridge and the use them for up to almost 2 weeks. Treat them like normal fresh food in terms of spoiling.
I think Mrs. would have a cow, if I started putting a bundle of 2 foot long sticks in the refrigerator… I don’t mind making it up fresh every other day or so… I’ve got a few cheap dishpans I’ve been collecting the sticks in, when they are wet, and that I let them sit in for a bit, after applying the Repashi…
The sticks were still about 50% covered, when the lights went down last night, and by 1st light this morning, they look devoid of any green stuff…
BYW… my silver dollars are loving the bowl scrapings… what ever is left over after buttering up the sticks, I scrape out of the mixing bowl into the tank that holds my silver dollars… they hit all the little pieces, before they fall to the bottom…
I suspect my Zebra Oto is one of the fish working the sticks after dark...
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3rd time using the sticks, I got a good coating last night, but this stuff gels up pretty quickly, and I’m back to rubbing it into the sticks, by hand, after the 1st one… going to try mixing it a lot more watery next time, and maybe try a new, small, stiff, paint brush to apply it, last night putting it on the sticks right away, worked good for one stick, before it fully gelled again… I’ve not tried micro waving it yet, and maybe that would help keep the bowl hotter longer… hopefully thinning it more will help, I’m not opposed to getting my hands dirty, but that was the idea behind using sticks, is I don’t have to stick my hands in the aquarium every other day… this morning my Zebra Oto, is playing clean up, at 1st light on one of the sticks… so far I’ve not seen my 177 pleco on the stick, while it still has Repashi on it… it doesn’t seem that interested… but hoping that using the Bactor AE, is putting a coating on the wood it’s usually on… that pleco seems to be working all the nooks and crannies, on the driftwood, more than it used too, so maybe that’s why???
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Repashi sticks for supper… for my 55 gallon South American tank, and for the Asian tank, for the Hillstream’s
I’ve been seeing the biggest Vietnamese Tiger, every day, but today I also saw one of the smaller ones… they look to be doing well
My lizard Hillstream’s will be here on Tuesday…really looking forward to them… been waiting about a half year, for them to become available…
Repashi sticks, just chilling, until after we have supper… so we can watch them eating
I see I must have posted my current method on a different thread … I am preheating my little mixer bowl, and making it a little wetter, and applying it with a cheap boars bristle paint brush… super easy, get nice coating, as you can tell by the new picture..
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Ok found my 1st issue with doing Repashi sticks… the Hillstream’s don’t want to get off the sticks, so you can pull them out to reapply… I had to dunk and redunk the stick in my Asian tank, and ended up with one going down between my tank and background, that I had to dig out… got it back in the tank pretty quickly, and it was fine, but I didn’t expect them to ride the stick out of the tank..
Newer lizard Hillstream loaches are enjoying the Repashi sticks tonight… they came from Dan’s Fish, and I know he feeds Repashi, albeit not on a stick, but once the 1st one got on it, it did not leave the stick, even though the panda Garra’s were swarming it, for at least 15 minutes…

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