How should I scape this without hardscape?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2021
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
My upcoming tank will have an ambulia, a java fern, a ludwigia repens, 2 water sprites(these will be floating I think), and a 10 pack of dwarf sag. It's a 10g, and I will have black sand as the substrate. I'm not planning on having any hardscape at the moment, because I'm on a budget and hardscape is expensive. Any ideas on how to arrange the plants? Stocking will be a betta and some shrimp or snails.
Your java fern will want to stay out of the gravel so you should at least have a bit of wood or a pebble to stick in on....but otherwise just experiment and see what you like best. Tall plants are better at the back, short in the front
My upcoming tank will have an ambulia, a java fern, a ludwigia repens, 2 water sprites(these will be floating I think), and a 10 pack of dwarf sag. It's a 10g, and I will have black sand as the substrate. I'm not planning on having any hardscape at the moment, because I'm on a budget and hardscape is expensive. Any ideas on how to arrange the plants? Stocking will be a betta and some shrimp or snails.
Perhaps you can find some rocks? Or maybe some sort of decorative ornament that is fish and tank safe?

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