Help needed


New Member
Mar 26, 2024
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Hi there everyone, I'm new here.
Trying to save my fish and her fry.
She is very heavily pregnant and has a clear sac about 2 weeks now. I started salt baths last week with no change. Can I help her or can the fry even be born?


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and has a clear sac about 2 weeks now.
Do you mean a prolapse?

I started salt baths last week with no change.
These are very stressful for any fish (being caught and moved repeatedly) and are very hazardous for pregnant fish - being out of the water puts a lot of pressure on the body so they should be moved in a bowl/cup rather than a net. What salt have you been using? A stressed fish may retain or abort her fry.

Oh, hello and welcome! :)
That looks like a prolapse to me. If she survives, it will be lucky. The same for the fry. I don't think anyone can what will happen for sure. You'll know soon.

That's a hard one to see.
That's a prolapse. There's actually nothing you can do about it. Despite of that, she should still be able to drop fry. But it can be very stressful to the female to deliver those fry. If it becomes too stressful to push them out, it can become fatal to her. But let's cross our fingers that that won't happen.
That's a prolapse. There's actually nothing you can do about it. Despite of that, she should still be able to drop fry. But it can be very stressful to the female to deliver those fry. If it becomes to stressful to push them out, it can become fatal to her. But let's cross our fingers that that won't happen.
Thank you very much for your reply. I'll hope for the best and let nature take its course

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