Disposing Invasive Species Water


New Member
Jan 23, 2023
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rhode island USA
Hi! Im taking care of my first planted tank (20 gallons)and I have a few fast-growing species that are invasive in my area. I was wondering how to dispose of water when i do water changes? Boiling isnt really an option because of the volume of water and because this tank is in my office, not my home. I dont want to flush it and introduce invasive species to the sureounding waters, especially because my office building is right on the coast of a bay. Could i dump it outside? Thanks!
Pour the water on plants outside. As long as it's not right next to a waterway where any bits of plant could find their way in, it's just watering the outdoor plants.
Big chunks of plant that have been trimmed off can go in the bin.
Pour the water on plants outside. As long as it's not right next to a waterway where any bits of plant could find their way in, it's just watering the outdoor plants.
Big chunks of plant that have been trimmed off can go in the bin.
or save it for house plants... my house plants have never looked so good, as when they get watered with aquarium water
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