

Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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:D ok i have a few compatability questions-first the tank is 90g(may change to 72 bowfront)but anyway this is what i plan to have in there.

1=n.nigriventrus-3 1/2"
1=alto comp (gold)-a little over 1"
1=a.calvus black-lil over 1"
1=n.pulcher-close to 3"s

these are all 1"or less
3=callochromis macrops(orangetail)
1=alto sumbu dwarf

and these i am waiting for and not sure what size they'll be

Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu "Blue Flash"
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis "Blue Neon"
Julidochromis regani Kipili
Altolamprologus calvus "Black Calvus"
Synodontis petricola

wow that looks like alot of fish :crazy:
anyway the first 4 are close to adult size(cept for the calvus and comp)my questions are,are they compatible?in what order should i add these fish?the first 4 are older and a lil bigger than the others is that a big problem?
You only have 1 sumbu left? I still have 2 remaining if your interested.

Anyway I would add the younger/smaller ones first...let them develop territories, then put the older ones in.

If they go into the 90 with plenty of shells, rockwork and such you should have no problems.

Of course the fish may feel otherwise as is always a chance as I'm sure you know!!

:fun: :fun: :fun: yes!yesssss cool i can't wait to put this together.

:-( oh! yeah i only have the 1 dwarf left,i think i'll just keep the one coz i have the calvus and comp and i don't think they'd appreciate another :/

:D if you think it'll work :p i'll take'm,but only if you think it'll work-i hate fighting in the tank,thats why i got rid of the ca/sa cichlids(90g ain't enuff for what i wanted to do)i mean i don't mind the natural bickering,but these guy's were ripping each other apart.

anyway CM thanks alot man,i really appreciate all your help.
You might get some bickering between you Alto comps and your Alto Calvus. But other than that I think you wil be ok with what you have as long as you add them all at the same time. There will always be bickering but they are cichlids. Mine bicker but rarely cause damage. Tanganyikans are the best in my opinion. I love mine, where else other than the ocean can you get so much diversity other than lake Tanganyika. enjoy!
hi paul,thanks for the input.i'm really just getting into tangs,i started w/the calvus and n.nigriventrus about 1yr& 1/2ago.
now i'm gonna set up a 90g tang community tank this weekend(i can't wait)
i have kept some tangs before but at that time i didn't even know what cycling a tank was:crazy: (over 12 yr ago)

what do you keep? :huh:
I currently keep N.brichardi, N. Buescheri, N. Leleupi, N. Tretocephalus, Julidochromis Marlieri, Julidochromis Transcriptus, Altolamprologus Calvus, and N. Multifasciatus.
Nice selection of fish you have there Paul!!

Are they all in the same tank? If so, what size tank is it?


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