Byron Hosking Legacy

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Global Moderator ⚒️
Nov 28, 2006
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Teesside, UK
Byron Hosking was a long standing member of the forum. He was very knowledgeable about many aspects of fish keeping with many years spent in the field researching and was always willing to share his knowledge. Many members of the forum have benefited from his expertise.

Sadly Byron passed away in early May 2024. He will be sadly missed by everyone on Tropical Fish Forums.

So that Byron's knowledge can be preserved for current and future members many of his posts have been collected into a single thread which can be found at the top of Tropical Discussion forum.

The list of posts is by no means complete. If there are posts of Byron's which members think should be included, please use the 'report' button in the post and in the box asking for a reason state that it's for Byron's thread. We will edit the thread to include more of Byron's posts.
For copyright reasons, only items which are posted on Tropical Fish Forums can be added to the thread; posts from other sites cannot be used.

We collected a number of Byron's posts, then came time to put them together in a thread. We tried a few ways to do this, but the sticky in Tropical Discussion was the only way which worked in a way that was respectful of Byron's posts.

If the Quote button is used to put each of Byron's post into a new thread, all the posts appear to be by the member using the Quote button; and the longer posts have to be expanded to read the entire post. This is not appropriate.
If Byron's posts are copied and pasted one by one into a new thread, again the member's name appears as the poster, not Byron's. Again, this is not appropriate.
The posts in this thread must have Byron's name at the left of each post.

The thread was constructed by using one of the moderator tools. The forum software added each post in date order of the original posting; the order cannot be changed. That's why my introduction to the thread is in the first of Byron's posts - if it was in a stand alone post it would have been the last post in the thread. Any further posts added to the thread will be inserted according to the date it was posted by Byron, which could be anywhere in the thread.

The reason we ask that other posts be "reported" for inclusion in the sticky is twofold.
Firstly, so that we can keep track of each newly added post. We can then edit the contents list so that each post number is correct for the subject.
Secondly, to keep Byron's name as the poster, each post needs to be added by a moderator using the mod tools. If a member 'quoted' a post into the thread, or copied and pasted a post, their name would appear as the poster.

I hope that explains things.
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