Betta Sorority


New Member
Jan 3, 2024
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Mexico City
My 10g shallow sorority setup. 5 Female galaxy hmpk, 20 ember tetras, 3 Otos.

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Otos really need to be in a much larger group.
I originally had 5 ottos and 2 died now one stays on its own and bullies the others to the back of the tank. Strange behaviour as I thought they preferred to be in groups.
I originally had 5 ottos and 2 died now one stays on its own and bullies the others to the back of the tank. Strange behaviour as I thought they preferred to be in groups.

This happens a lot with shoaling fish that aren’t kept in a shoal. Their need for security-in-numbers isn’t being met by the others, so they’re stressed and they take it out on each other.

So you’re ok keeping a fish that’s getting bullied?
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This happens a lot with shoaling fish that aren’t kept in a shoal. Their need for security-in-numbers isn’t being met by the others, so they’re stressed and they take it out on each other.

So you’re ok keeping a fish that’s getting bullied?
I am not ok with these fish being bullied of course. I've had this group of ottos for about 1-2 years and only recently has this behavior occurred. I intend to expand the group and even move them to a new 90L from my 60L. But I have two local LFS that sell them. One that gets them in regularly that always has injured, starved, ill, or even dead fish in the tank, and the other that gets them in every few months but quarantines them for 3 weeks. So either I get some that have a chance of infecting the others or being DOA (I don't have any room to quarantine myself) or wait a few more weeks and have higher odds of a healthier fish.
Fair enough. :)

Yeah don’t get them from that first shop.
Unfortunately Otos are usually very starved by the time they get to a shop, and many lose their gut bacteria, making it impossible for them to digest any plant material including algae.
I would suggest keeping at least 10-12. If they’re thin when you get them, let them eat the poop of your current Otos to replenish their gut bacteria (in other words, don’t over-clean the tank when you get them). :)
My 10g shallow sorority setup. 5 Female galaxy hmpk, 20 ember tetras, 3 Otos.

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So, I have to start with the fact that I love your setup. As much as I love a good betta, I usually don't have room to keep any more than two in the household. How is the stocking going, aggression and space-wise? You have a LOT of plants, and with the tank being a shallow 10 gal there's a lot larger footprint.
I've seen a lot of sources saying nothing bigger than a 40 gal for a group of 6-10 females, and others who have them in tanks your size (gallons-wise, I doubt the tanks are heavily planted or that long) and have issues with aggression. I'm just curious as to how your experience with the sorority goes, in hopes that I might be able to try something similar in the future!
So, I have to start with the fact that I love your setup. As much as I love a good betta, I usually don't have room to keep any more than two in the household. How is the stocking going, aggression and space-wise? You have a LOT of plants, and with the tank being a shallow 10 gal there's a lot larger footprint.
I've seen a lot of sources saying nothing bigger than a 40 gal for a group of 6-10 females, and others who have them in tanks your size (gallons-wise, I doubt the tanks are heavily planted or that long) and have issues with aggression. I'm just curious as to how your experience with the sorority goes, in hopes that I might be able to try something similar in the future!
There was aggression initially the first week or two. I just let them duke it out haha. After that there was no more nipping just a lot of flaring. To me it seems young females are the most aggressive. I added a few new young'ins and they would try and fight the mature ones. In the end the females usually stayed together.

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