Automatic Liquid plant food dispenser?


New Member
Apr 25, 2023
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Spokane, Wa
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone knows where I might find an automatic liquid plant food dispenser I can use on my 125G? I've looked around a bit but haven't seen any so maybe it's not a good idea. I don't see why it wouldn't be but what do I know.
Thanks 🙂
do a google search for "peristaltic pump for aquarium" and you will find a large number of possibilities. I haven't used them but have considered their use with an automated water change system (became too much like work so never developed the idea).
You haven't indicated if this is a high-tech system or low-tech/natural. I suppose it might be useful with a high-tech if you are dosing daily. But for low-tech, definitely not. Once a week, maybe twice, is all you need for the latter.
Thank you Uberhoust and Byron for your assistance. It's just our 125G freshwater we keep downstairs with a canister, power and hob filter. Live plants and fishies. I'm sure you'd call it a low Tech system. Yeah, I was hoping there might be a low dollar system out there that would do the job but so far, I haven't seen anything. Or anything that would even do the Lo-dose job for that matter. Uberhoust, I'm totally with you. I'd love to have a dosing system and auto water change but like you say, looks like too much work to me too. Ha, ha. Oh well, best laid plans of mice and men...
Thanks for your help. 🙂
When you do the weekly water change, add the plant fertilizer (liquid) after the tank is refilled. I'm not understanding how this would need any automation. And there are substrate tabs for larger plants rooted in the substrate, and these need replacing maybe once every three or four months, depending upon the plant load.

If you happen to use Prime as the conditioner, wait 2 days before adding liquid plant fertilizer. Seachem told me there is some chemical in Prime that prevents plants from assimilating the "detoxified" nutrients that are heavy metals (iron, copper, zinc, magnesium). And this chemical would also nullify any liquid fertilizer. Mor reason not to ever use Prime. API's Tap Water Conditioner does not have this so plant fertiulizers are not affected.
Hey thanks for your info on prime. I've been using API but it's good to know. I do root tabs every 3 or 4 months as well. The automation is for me and the plants. I always have trouble remembering if I put the fertilizer in and as a result, the plant's suffer.
Hey thanks for your info on prime. I've been using API but it's good to know. I do root tabs every 3 or 4 months as well. The automation is for me and the plants. I always have trouble remembering if I put the fertilizer in and as a result, the plant's suffer.
I have the same issue with remembering things sometimes. I have to take medication every day. My issue wasn't so much remembering to take it (although that can happen). It was more not remembering if I had already taken it or not. So I got one of those weekly pill boxes as a memory aid. If the box for that day is empty, I took it.
I make adding fertilizer part of my water change routine. You could also use a calendar or journal as a reminder and to keep track of when you added ferts.
I have the same issue with remembering things sometimes. I have to take medication every day. My issue wasn't so much remembering to take it (although that can happen). It was more not remembering if I had already taken it or not. So I got one of those weekly pill boxes as a memory aid. If the box for that day is empty, I took it.
I make adding fertilizer part of my water change routine. You could also use a calendar or journal as a reminder and to keep track of when you added ferts.
Yeah, I've got one of those pillboxes too. I've been thinking about the calendar thing as well.
Thanks 🙂
I have a sheet of paper attached to the fridge with magnets and I write things like this on it - when I clean the filter, when I put new root tabs in etc.

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