45 gallon, about 2 weeks away from 1st fish…& as I’m adding fish…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I’m just happy it doesn’t leak, or I didn’t drop a 20 pound slab of limestone in it when I was cleaning it out for refill… it hasn’t had water in it for 20 years… so far all have been leak free… they all evaporated dry when I quit fish about 20 years ago this is my new background, and new black sand, and a piece of wood soaking up water… I may add this piece to my Tilapia tanks, as I have a nice piece in my Asian tank, and it’s too crowded to insert Repashi sticks, without knocking something else over….
Why don't you grab some filter media from an established tank and use it in that one. then add fish straight away.
I’ll be moving over the foam filter temporarily from one of the holding tanks, but I’m still waiting for a pair of hang on tank filters, and the biggest reason, is I don’t have a heater here for that tank yet… and actually I may add my 1st couple after the heater gets here, and the tank warms to the correct temperature, as long as I’m loaning the sponge filter from the holding tank
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Heater, and a pair of Tidal 75’s running in the tank right now… a platinum angel shows up tomorrow also for this tank… got some Indian almond leaves in the tank, and a few pieces of driftwood… have a few Java ferns in shipment on the way…
Heater, and a pair of Tidal 75’s running in the tank right now… a platinum angel shows up tomorrow also for this tank… got some Indian almond leaves in the tank, and a few pieces of driftwood… have a few Java ferns in shipment on the way…

Youre gonna run 2 tidals 75s on that 45 gallon? I really love those tidals.
Yep… Amazon river fish… I did transfer my 3 electric Blue Acaras last night… they had been in a 10 gallon holding tank, for quite a while… it took me longer than I had hoped to get this one ready for fish….
Fish delivery today, albeit, only one for this tank, a 2 inch platinum angel
I do like the Tidal series filters as well… it would be nice if they had a cheap slide valve on the skimmer portion though, they get kinda loud, when the tank gets to the point in evaporation, that you need to add water… I pretty much do 2 hang on back filters ( either Aquaclear 70’s, or Tidal 75’s ) on all my newer setup tanks… I try to buy the same filters for consistently on parts, and have a tendency to over filter… only one of my recently set up tanks, has one filter ( another 45 gallon ) and that’s because that one is set up to view on 3 sides, both the front and back, so the filter is on a short side… plus I typically do a lot of plants
I do like the Tidal series filters as well… it would be nice if they had a cheap slide valve on the skimmer portion though, they get kinda loud, when the tank gets to the point in evaporation, that you need to add water… I pretty much do 2 hang on back filters ( either Aquaclear 70’s, or Tidal 75’s ) on all my newer setup tanks… I try to buy the same filters for consistently on parts, and have a tendency to over filter… only one of my recently set up tanks, has one filter ( another 45 gallon ) and that’s because that one is set up to view on 3 sides, both the front and back, so the filter is on a short side… plus I typically do a lot of plants

Yea I don't let mine get that low because that slurping sound is awful. It usually takes about 6 days from a full tank for it to reach that level on my tanks 40g or smaller and 2 weeks on my 180. I wish I could slow down the evap rate...
I have a lot of terrestrial plants growing out of the aquariums, and several of those draw water faster than it evaporates… so with both, and the noise of the skimmers, I usually top off twice a week, but I have a hose and pump for my RO, and a remote switch, so it’s easy and quick…
I added a few fish from the holding tanks last night..
Got the Jewel Cichlid out of the tank… had to remove all the decor, to remove the one fish… it was supposed to be a fire mouth… semi local pet store sold me the wrong ( aggressive ) fish
It’s been in my quarantine tank for a month… I don’t really have a tank for it… I thought about my Bichir tank, with the silver dollars but the bichir would be vulnerable, with body shape, and I really wouldn’t want my tiger dollars getting roughed up… I’ll talk to the pet store ( they did misidentify the fish in the 1st place ) but would bet it gets rehomed or gets put down
The 3 Acaras, and the angel looking good this morning… I’ll have to mess with them again, when I start putting decor back in… but at least they won’t feel like I’m chasing them…

A group of 3 Bolivian Rams will be here next Tuesday… the 5 Cupids hopefully next week as well… will likely be doing aggressive water changes, as there wasn’t much actual cycling…

The Platinum Angel is following around the Acaras… I will be buying a pair of Angel buddies, but the ones I’m ordering are pretty expensive, and I want to make sure my water and the politics are good before I add them…
Manacapuru Red Backs… ( 2, not specifically a pair ), about the same size as the platinum
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