10g Planted Tank Journal - 5/2 - Small Update

The lobelia cardinalis is immence! Looks lush! I expect the Shrimp love hiding in the LC!
Yup. Especially the cherry shrimp - I don't see them much anymore...
I wonder...you have no floating plants....the hatchetfish (according to everything I read!) prefer either floating plants or plants which reach water level so they can hide/run away when scared etc. I wonder if these would help the hatchetfish feel a bit less stressed and maybe make them a bit happier and less prone to visiting the large aquarium in the sky?
I wonder...you have no floating plants....the hatchetfish (according to everything I read!) prefer either floating plants or plants which reach water level so they can hide/run away when scared etc. I wonder if these would help the hatchetfish feel a bit less stressed and maybe make them a bit happier and less prone to visiting the large aquarium in the sky?

That's a good idea, with floating plants they should feel more secure, although not too much for it can limit the light levels. I have had experience with Riccia fluitans, Dwarf riccia, Amazon frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum), salvinia natans, duckweed, ludwiga species and the areial leaves of Nymphea, all of them are relatively easy to grow, especially the duckweed, riccia and salvinia.

I've been trying to get floating plants for a while now. Last time I got plants, ONE leaf(?) of duckweed came with them and I put it in, that was about 3 months ago. About one month ago I checked and there was only about 4 pieces of duckweed. So I put it in my 29g 'cause I thought it might grow better there, but the platies ate it all. :rolleyes: So I'm not going to get duckweed. I really want frogbit, but the only place I can find it is online, which means I need to convince my mom that we NEED more plants. :shifty:
I'm having a small problem in my 29g - the baby black kuhlies are now full grown and outcompete the panda cories for food. There was also a temperature fluctuation and one neon and 2 cories passed away. The cories haven't been getting much food, so I've decided to move the one remaining one to the 10g. I think they stay small enough not to feel cramped. I'm getting 3 more, probably Friday, maybe monday.

The only change in appearance is the plants getting bigger and denser. I've also added some twigs.

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