1000 Us Gal Project


Fish Gatherer
Jan 15, 2006
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My new tank project started today with the concrete base doing in

the tank will go in a 12x9 shed and the tank will be a 8x6x3

the shed and base will be complete by the end of jan and the tank should be built in the 1st or 2nd week in feb

we have made the garden into 2 halfs one for the dogs and the other half for the tank


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whoa i am watching this!! what plans for residents do you have?
you got the ball rolling then T1!!
good dimensions, you won't have enough room to take any full tank shots though!
this is for your p14's isn't it? what you planning on picking up from holland? you still going end of feb? wish i had the cash to come but not looking too clever.
i saw some p14's for sale for £650 each, does this meen their price will be dropping now along with the other black rays? saw leo's going for £475, my dream is getting closer and closer!!!!
if you could find out prices of the p14 in holland just before you go, and they are cheaper than here i could send you some cash to pick 1 or 2 up for me, then all id have to do is collect them from you??? i doubt i'll have the cash anyway, struggling a bit at the moment.
anyway, make sure you put plenty of pictures up of the progress, will be very interesting thread!

plenty of room for a full tank shot

its just going to be the big tank and a sofa at the other end :lol:

i have been buying a few fish for this tank already

stocking will be

1 x chili red arowana
3 x p14 stingrays
2 x scobina stingrays i have some holding for me
1 x siamese tiger fish
1 x tigrinse cat
20 x tinfoil barbs
1 x lince cat
1 x l56 xanto pleco

and maybe a fly river turtle that Cane is looking after for me at the mo but i not sure how this will get on with the rays but the last owner had it with discus and shrimp so it maybe ok

this tank is going to be fully loaded with a full Aquatronica system


which will monitor every parameter and even send me a text message if i have a power cut or other problem
the scobina off alex?
sounds like a brilliant project!
will you let me know if you know of any siamese tigers that come up for sale?
what happened to all your blue crossbacks? thought you had a few of them?
the scobina off alex?
sounds like a brilliant project!
will you let me know if you know of any siamese tigers that come up for sale?
what happened to all your blue crossbacks? thought you had a few of them?

sold all the aros as trying to make more than 1 aro work is just to much hassle

scobina are coming from germany

as for the tigers i dont think they will come up for sale anytime soon i have owned most of the ones in the UK and its only a handfull i would ever own again
how much can you get scobina for now?
id love one of the blue base cross backs, they sell for a fair bit though don't they!
i'd love an st but i can't see any coming up for sale any time soon either!

how much can you get scobina for now?
id love one of the blue base cross backs, they sell for a fair bit though don't they!
i'd love an st but i can't see any coming up for sale any time soon either!


its a shame you missed the blue base cross backs i sold i sold 7 for 500-700 each

(you beat my gallon sizee XD)

cant wait till its done

sounds awsome
^^ and stocking! lol

T1 i never knew you were selling them, definitely would have come and got one for that price! been looking for ages for one at a decent price! do you ever see others go for them prices or not? im disappointed!!

how much do you get the scobina for now then? wouldn't mind a pair, might be getting a pair of hystrix, do you know the difference between true hystrix and the other ones? if i got a picture? i only want them if they are true hystrix but i cant find and comparison pictures!


and yours :lol: XD

seriously tho that will look great

(the tinfoil shoal will look great)

and the rays will love it i bet
^^ and stocking! lol

T1 i never knew you were selling them, definitely would have come and got one for that price! been looking for ages for one at a decent price! do you ever see others go for them prices or not? im disappointed!!

how much do you get the scobina for now then? wouldn't mind a pair, might be getting a pair of hystrix, do you know the difference between true hystrix and the other ones? if i got a picture? i only want them if they are true hystrix but i cant find and comparison pictures!


if you give me a picture of the hystix you have been offered i will tell you 100% if they are right or not

im also looking for hystrix at the right money

the real hystrix will have to come out of brazil
its near enough the same as my intended stock so not too different matey boy!

T1 this is the picture he has, im pretty sure its caught in peru though,

i haven't seen any propper pictures of them so i have nothing to compare!
i wouldn't mind the scobina if they are a decent price, what are they going for??
if the p14 stay lower or get even lower i might have them by, say may/june so that should be good.
still waiting for a nice tigrinus cat, all the ones i see for sale are small, and was it you that told me they are very fragile when small and a lot die? so im waiting for one at least 10" or so to come along.
and then just waiting for a blue base cross back!
i got offered a fly river turtle for £180 at 12" not so long ago but didn't have the cash, there is one on the classifieds now for £300, wouldn't mind one but not sure how it would be with he rays?!?!
maybe stock it with a 1000 cardinals :)

haha, looks hench mate, following this. plenty of pics please.

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