Taking the 55 down.

Alice B

Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2022
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
I have fought cyanobacteria and all kinds of algae, doing nothing different to it than to my other tanks, except, I used a really bright light at the beginning on the 55. Only fluorescent on the 40. So I think i will remove the fish and snails and shrimp and put them in my 40 long. dip the plants in bleach water to kill the algae on em, and maybe just dump bleach in the tank and let it run 24 hours, then clean it up and re-cycle. A picture is worth 1000 words. These 2 tanks had water changes at the same time.
one thing was different. I had a small piece of limestone in the 55. I just removed it. Cleaned the glass, will do a water change tomorrow, give it another try. I may dunk plants in bleach water though, then rinse in dechlorinated water.

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