🐡 FOTM simonas - February 2024 Fish of the Month Winner (Livebearers)


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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
February 2024 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 9 awesome Livebearers entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning entry and its description

Here is my heavily pregnant female mini marble stingray. She has been pregnant before and only had one pup which is common with young females.

Shes just over two I got her from Richard Hardwick at Wharf aquatics as he is probably the best guy in the UK to buy them from

She lives with the male in a 9'x3'x28" tank that is sumped. Her disk size is about 13" but she is very thick and solid and weighed a ton when I netted her from her old tank the other week. She is much bigger than the male

She eats massivore pellets, lancefish, prawns and mussels

Just a beautiful big fish
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Congrats to @simonas for their win with their mini marble Stingray. Beautiful fish that we rarely see here on TFF.
Tying for 2nd place is @Ram419 with his beautiful guppy -- and @fish48 with their interesting Goodeid.
Thanks to everyone who entered February's FOTM contest.

Right now we are seeking entries in our Tank of the Month contest. For March's contest, we are seeking tanks sized at 16 US gallons and smaller. If you have that size tank, we hope you enter the contest.
CLICK HERE to view the entry thread.
Woohoo! Congrats! I'm also really hoping you'll make a thread to share when the pups are born, pretty please! Have been wanting to ask that since the contest started, phew! :);)
🥳 congrats! Lovely fish!
Woohoo! Congrats! I'm also really hoping you'll make a thread to share when the pups are born, pretty please! Have been wanting to ask that since the contest started, phew! :);)
they were born a couple of weeks ago. I'll sort a couple of pics out later. Two female pups and 1 female pup the first time
Congratulations on the win, @simonas... 🏆
Just as expected...👍

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