My zebra danio has lost an eye!!


Nov 10, 2004
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I noticed today morning that one of my zebra danios has lost an eye. I never noticed any sign of pop-eye or any disease whatsoever.

Now what should I do? Other fish are not attacking it. Should I quarintine it? Should I put in some medicine?

Also, why the heck did it lose an eye?

Note: I have no way to test my water, but I do a WC regularly. The water seems to be fine.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss hun.

I have heard of fish surviving losing an eye and going on to be quite healthy.

No other symptoms or signs at all?
Pop eye can come about very quickly- literally overnight somtimes and it doesn't take much for the eye to pop.
I would study your fish's behavior at night when the tank lights are turned off for at least 30mins as this is when your fish are most active and are likely to see if any of the fish are harrassing each other.
Sorry for your loss.
If pop-eye can develop fast, then it just might have been pop-eye. But I'm pretty well sure that other fishes weren't troubling it.

So what steps should I take now? Do a 50% Water change? Should I add some dis-infecting medicine?
Test the water stats like ammonia, nitrate and nitrite and depending on wether they're as good as can be, do a 40% water change.
I would buy some anti internal bacterial med like the one available by Interpet and add half the recommended dose just to kill of any internal bacteria that could be hanging around the tank that may have caused any posible pop eye, either that or there is a bad bacteria killing med called Liquisel also by Interpet that will help bring bad bacteria levels back down to normal that you can use but i wouldn't suggest long term use as it will lower your fish's natural imune systems after a while but its ok for a one-off :nod: .
I would also observe your fish's behavior at night when the tank lights are off for at least 30mins just to rule out the posibility of bully or harrassing fish :thumbs:
I don't get any testing kits where I live. So I'll just do a 40-50% WC.

As far as the medicine is concerned, I'll go to my LFS and see what he has. A medicine called "Rid-All" is a common brand I get in most shops.

Thanks for the help.
Get a water quality testing kit/s that test for ammonia, nitrItes and nitrAtes as this is vital if you havn't tested your water quality for a while; pop eye can also be caused by bad water quality and you won't know for certain that yours is fine until you have tested it.

ps: you can test kits off ebay i believe if there's nowhere around you that sells them :nod:
It is unlikely that it's pop eye, if it developed that fast then the other fish would develope it just as fast as it is probably a violent strain of the disease.
Pop eye though is not a very infectious desease though so it can just effect an individual fish, but i would still go with the advice i gave in my last post and one before that :nod: .
Thanks for all the advice. My dad is going to Dubai in a week, I'll try getting a testing kit from there. For now, I have done a 50% WC and added a medicine called "Rid All: General Aid"

All seems to be well :)
Yes, I do have a rosy barb. I had 2 earlier, but the partner died. It "might" have been it, but I really can't say for sure.

I was watching my fish after I turned off the lights yesterday. The widow-tetras just hang around. The zebras just swim as usual, the rosy barb scavenges on the gravel, and the live-bearers keep chomping on algae. That's all, nothing unusual. All seems to be calm now
I kept having fish loosing eyes in my tank, especially my Albino Corys. It took me ages to find out what was happining.....But I was sitting next to the tank one night after the light went out and saw one of my Clown Loaches pick an eye out of another cory. :grr: .....

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