Lost second fish

The pH is not the only parameter, or even the most pertinent one. GH is general hardness, usually calcium and magnesium minerals. It is more important for the fish health and we should try and get fish with a GH average matching our source water GH. So Pristella Maxillaris (x-ray tetra) have a big range due to seasonal flooding of 2 dGH to 20 dGH. If your water was -for example- 11 dGH, they would be suitable, even with a consistent pH of 8 which is above their range of 6-7.5 pH. So what is your GH?

This may not make any difference. Another parameter, KH is carbonates and bicarbonates. It buffers the pH so if there is sufficient KH the pH will not change using driftwood, moss or peat. If the KH is low, the pH may drop suddenly. The interactions and relative values of pH, GH and KH are linked and it is rarely possible to shift one without the others. So if you find out the KH, you may see that the driftwood will not shift the parameters. Lava rock is frequently neutral and your test results indicate this is the case with yours.
GH 8, kH 6
I've read African chiclids do well on 8 pH, as long as they are small. My tank is a125. And I don't like guppies, mollys, or swordtails.
But I've not lost a harlequin rasbora.for nearly a week, and I've lost none of my green neon tetras
I've read African chiclids do well on 8 pH, as long as they are small. My tank is a125. And I don't like guppies, mollys, or swordtails.
These all need harder water than yours (GH), except for some of the guppies.
Would it be worth getting an ro system. Would I just have to use a 20% weekly water change I would only need to drop the pH from 8 to 7.2.
My shop aquarium manager says you really don't wish to down the ro system route.
My gh is 8 my kh 6
Went on to Facebook site, just to see what others thought.some say having a stable ph is better than chasing numbers, and before buying a water system keep maintaining water changes, use only quality feeding, and things should be okay others say I do need the water system.
Most people who use RO do it because they have hard water and want to keep soft water fish, or because their tap water is high in nitrate and using RO is the only way they can keep tank nitrate below 20 ppm. Others have terrible tap water for other reasons.

If you are on a water meter, making RO at home is expensive as it wastes more water than it makes. And of course buying RO can work out expensive.
One downside to altering water is that you need to make sure you have some RO on hand at all times in case you ever need to do an emergency water change. Once you start using RO, you can't go back to using all tap water. And remineralisation salts if you use those.

There are two ways to use RO.
#1 Mix it with tap water to get the GH you are aiming for. Because there is some tap water in the mixture, everything in the tap water is still there, just more dilute. So whatever is causing your high pH would still be in the mixture.
#2 Use 100% RO water. Some members use plain RO in their tanks, these members keep fish which need very soft water. Others add remineralisation salts to add some minerals back in.
It's getting g to complicated the easiest post I've had if it works is mixing rain water with tap
I lost my second Harlequin Rasbora today.
Both have shown the same systems they leave the shoal staying in one corner of the tank, and not eating, there is no sign of disease. My tank is cycled, and the fish have been in for a fortnight, as well as the Harlequins I put in 10 Neon green tetras at the same time, and have lost one.
I know some on here will say get a hospital tank, but I'm not going to, so I suppose its something I will have to put up with, I was going to buy a couple of Harlequins, but I'll be better waiting to see if I lose anymore, idid a 25% water change last Sunday, and a water test today. Ammonia nil, Nitrites, nil, nitrates nil, and PH 8.
Probably your pH. 6.5 is ideal but a neutral pH of 7 would be fine too
Rain water is also pure water like RO water. The thing to bear in mind is - would you have rain water available every day of the year? And is it guaranteed contamination free? No industry or crop spraying nearby, roof made of inert material; no bird droppings and so on.

Rain water would have the same problem as mixing RO and tap water - whatever is making the pH high will still be there in the mixture, just less of it.
I will just add my tetras in small amounts to see how they will get on, I know with a ph of 8 I could have Guppies and mollies, and I think Sword tails, but as I've said unfortunately I don't like these fish, and if I had them, my enthusiasm would wane, and I probably would give tropical fish up, which would not be good as its a great hobby, and I have spent a lot of money plus time on the hobby
You can find places that sell RO water - search spotless water as an example, they may have one near you. I realised my water was harder than I thought and I'd bought fish more suited to soft water so I buy 2x25 litres each week for my water changes, costs a couple of £. It's not ideal but I don't have space for an RO system. Now that I'm in the habit of it it actually doesn't feel like as much of a hassle. It takes a bit of messing with to begin with, like only adding a small amount and lots and lots of testing the water to check parameters but eventually I got there.

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