Aphyosemion australe Orange Fry

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That One Guy
May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
Today was a great day. Doing water changes and what should appear to my eye but one lone Aphyosemion australe Orange / Red fry. It has been in there awhile. It’s about 3/8 to 1/2 inch long. It isn’t colored so it could be a female or it may be that they don’t color up right away. I don’t know that information. The ten gallon it is in is choked with Java Moss and a thick mat of Salvinia blankets the surface. The little creature has found something to eat. The adults ignore it or else give half hearted chase . Been cold in my fish room and no heater in this tank. The water temperature was 68 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. Anyway , I’m happy because now I know that these plant spawning West African Killifish are a nut that I can crack. The winds of failure have stopped blowing so hard and I can begin to push back now. Finding this little fish and observing the conditions it has come about in have told me much. This took almost six months but it was worth the wait. Nothing is instant.
Today was a great day. Doing water changes and what should appear to my eye but one lone Aphyosemion australe Orange / Red fry. It has been in there awhile. It’s about 3/8 to 1/2 inch long. It isn’t colored so it could be a female or it may be that they don’t color up right away. I don’t know that information. The ten gallon it is in is choked with Java Moss and a thick mat of Salvinia blankets the surface. The little creature has found something to eat. The adults ignore it or else give half hearted chase . Been cold in my fish room and no heater in this tank. The water temperature was 68 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. Anyway , I’m happy because now I know that these plant spawning West African Killifish are a nut that I can crack. The winds of failure have stopped blowing so hard and I can begin to push back now. Finding this little fish and observing the conditions it has come about in have told me much. This took almost six months but it was worth the wait. Nothing is instant.
Reminds me of when I found a clown killi fry in one of my plant holding tanks.
There must have been an egg on one of the plants that ended up hatching.
I let it grow for a few months and just transferred it in with the rest of them 2 days ago.
It's pretty rewarding.

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