

Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
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Van BC Canada
Hi guys can I put some zuchinni in my betta tank for them to eat?? if i can how should i prepare it?
Yes, blanch it (boil it for a couple of minutes then soak it in ice water) and serve it in slivers,minuscule slivers.
im trying to do zuchinni too but should i use it as a treat like once a month.
i am tryign out some new foods for my 25g, which has otos and snails, shrimps, guppies, danios and kribs in there. For 2 days i put in cucumbers, they loved it :D acutally i don't know WHO ate it but when i took it out i only have hte ring around it, the center was allll gone :)

so, i blanched some zuchinni today, and put it inot my tank with coryc ats too, the snails are eating it quite well, otos are too, i'll tell you how mucho f it have left after 2 days :)
UeberFabtasticBetta said:
im trying to do zuchinni too but should i use it as a treat like once a month.
I do a vegetable weekly to keep their systems clean, and then also once a week I feed Formula I which is also veggie based :)

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