Zebra pleco's


Fish Fanatic
Dec 22, 2003
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Leeds England.
Hi peeps :D

Just wondering if anyone has or has ever kept a Zebra plec??

If so how much was it? and was it easy to care for? did you see it during the day or did it just come out at night?

I know Alien_Spawn has one that he got for about £60 I think. He had problems feeding his because they don't fight for food and eat only meat I think.

I am sure he will be along to tell you himself at some point.
I have kept them before, they prefer the warmer temperatures and can be hard to acclimatize. Preferable they should be kept in groups but most people don't do this because of the price tag which near me is 85 English pounds. They need bogwood in the tank and plenty of hiding places as they are very shy fish.
One of our LFS's gets them to order for thirty quid.

I'm told that they're quite hard to keep though.
Yep I paid £60 for my zebra, it took a while before he started eating, I had "tempt" him by dropping bloodworms right near him.

He was also very shy to start with, but has become braver and comes out both during the day (a bit) and alot at night. although I've seen him eating algae wafers sometimes, they do prefer a meaty diet

I'm considering maybe breeding these guys, they prefer a temp of around 82F+ they seem to be less active anything less than that from my experience

hope this helps
i want to set up a breeding zebra pleco tank with about 7 of them to get a good male/female ratio then sell 3 keeping 2 males and 2 females.
you need lots of bogwood and a fast current in the tank as they love that but if kep with other fish then at least give them bogwood.
they are very nice looking fish and dont get too big.

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