Zebra Finches


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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Ontario Canada
Ok I'm more of a fish person but I have alwaysed loved birds. And my two zebra finches have two eggs sitting in their nest. Now my question to anyone is how long till they hatch and what do I do I need to do or need to provide when and if the eggs hatch? This is the first time so these eggs may be duds but I want to be prepared just in case. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
When I had Zebra finches a few years ago I had a pair who could not stop breeding ! :eek: Just make sure you feed the parents well as it takes a lot from them. Something I used to give them during the breeding periods were hard boiled egg and also crushed some of the shell very finely and mixed it into their food. Here are also some good articles:
http://www.finchworld.com/Birds/Finch/Zebr...ch_breeding.htm http://www.zbirds.com/Breeding.html http://www.efinch.com/species/zebra.htm
Good luck and hope you find good homes for the babies B)
Yup, my mom always did the hardboiled egg for our finches too, they love it. I'd line the cage with soft stuff though because we sometimes had babies who'd get tangled in the parents legs and then when teh adult left the nest it would pull the baby out too, so check the cage bottom often and hopefully the soft stuff will keep them from dying if they do fall out....

I love finches :wub:
I have 2 zebra finches ,2 bengalese and at the weekend bought 2 green singing finches. :)

We got 2 babies of the zebras last year they were so cute,give them plenty green food (lettice) plus the eggs and make sure there is cuttle fish bone in with them.

Ours have all just gone into the outdoor avery for the summer.
I add oyster grit to my avary this is to keep the birds eggs strong. Feeding them boiled eggs is good aswell. Give the birds lots of bread, they can swallow this then puke it up easier for the babies

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