Zebra danios


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Brisbane, Australia

I'm just wondering if there's a colour difference between male and females.

They have the lovely silver and blue stripes, but, one or two of my fish seem to have more of a golden tinge. One of the golden ones is a little bigger too.

I don't really notice any other differences, it's not bright gold, just.. noticabley different.

Also, are there any special treats people have found they like?
They seem to try to eat anything I stick in the tank (my hand included), but want to give the little fellas a special dish, something out of the ordinary.

While i'm here, I saw these other fish in the tank next to the zebras at the LFS, similar shape, maybe a touch bigger, though some were quite small aswell, bright yellow colour. They're labelled "golden medaku", a name I can find no information on. Could these be a different type of danio?
greyko said:

I'm just wondering if there's a colour difference between male and females.

Also, are there any special treats people have found they like?

They're labelled "golden medaku", a name I can find no information on. Could these be a different type of danio?
there is a slith differance in colour between males and females,
as you have noted females sometimes have a golden hue to them.

as for special treats
have you tried live foods such as bloodworm, glassworm
daphnia, baby brine shrimp etc?
There is a pinned article on common livefoods available,
you may wish to read that.

In the wild danios will eat pretty much anything they can fit into their mouths,
I have seen mine eat houseflys and spiders that have gotten onto the waters surface. I also ocassionally feed them small pieces of apple and banana.

the other fish is quite possibly a Japanese medaka :dunno: Oryzias latipes, no relation to danios at all, but still a nice small fish.
Thank you!
Good to be able to differentiate between them.

I'll check out the live food thread, and see what the LFS has in stock.
I'll try some fruit aswell.

I checked out some photos of the japanese medaka, http://www.sam.hi-ho.ne.jp/pro_surfcaster/...medaka/ol01.jpg is the closest i could find, only it's a bit darker, but I also found some photos of silver ones, so, i'm guessing there'd be a few colour variations.

Thanks for that, I was considering getting some, and now I can find information before I do!
zebra danio are freeks ive never seen them slow down there alway chasing each other :crazy: :thumbs:
I just want to add another experience to this topic. I am raising Zebra Danios (5 Adult, 70 fry and rising as they hatch).

My males are proportionally bigger than the females and the males have a bright yellow hue to them. The female are definitely female with the bulging belly and display standard silver-black pattern.

The size may simply be an age difference. However, since my fish display counter hue traits as The-Wolf's fish (Very respected Danio keeper. B) ), I personally would not feel confident using simply color to sex your Danios.

The best way I find is simply to look at your Danio's bellies. The females are noticably rounder, especially at night.

Just thought I'd add my two cents.

Zipping around like they do is part of their charm, I like them active! :D

About the colour, this is one thing that confuses me, because i've seen conflicting reports, so it's part of the reason I asked. I think with me, the golden hued ones are female, well, at least one is, it's a good deal plumper than the others.
Of course, if the little buggers would hold still for a few moments, it'd be much easier to check out!

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