how many zebra danios can i keep in a 5g ..i would imagine that the 1 inch per gallon wouldnt take effect since they are schooling fish ..but im not sure ..anyone know? ..i know someone here knows ..u guys know everything about fish.. i love it here.. so much to learn
5 gal is too small IME and IMHO
I recomend a min of 24" length because they need lots of room to zip about
checkout my website for infomation on all types of danio
You could keep glowlight danios in a 5gal but I think that is pushing it.
Danios are not "schooling" fish they do enjoy the company of there own, and will school as a defense mechanisum. min groups of all danios would be 5. you can mix and match but 5 is the min.
Danios are gregarious fish that prefer to be in as larger group as possible, however, as said I would not consider them 'schooling' like some other species. But you will be lucky to see the 'schooling' instinct in captivity as it happens in large bodies of water with low stocking, the fish shoal to protect themselves against predator attack. IMO 5 gallons is to small for Zebra Danios and Danio Choprae as they are both highly active fast swimming fish, although people do keep them in tanks of this size with sucess.