Zebra Danios


Feb 20, 2008
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Somerset (UK)
Hello Guys
I have three zebra danios, one of which is really slim and the other two are fat....could I have two females and one male or is it just that the thin one is not getting fed enough....I usually put both flakes and at least half of a sinking pellet in for the fish to eat...

This is the small danio..it seems to have alot more yellow colouration on its fins than the other two.
<a href="http://imgfreehost.com/out.php?i19102_P4260329.JPG" target="_blank">http://imgfreehost.com/out.php?i19102_P4260329.JPG</a>

this is the larger danio...

See what I mean about the difference?
Some of the links don't work and the one that does shows the photo too small to see.
Yes I know...give me afew minutes to sort it out

Just be aware the picture added at the top is taking abit to upload.

They should work now...if you double click on the images they should become bigger...hopefully!!
besides females being fatter, their stripes are also silver rather than gold. i think i have 3 female zebra danios and definitely 3 males, because the females have duller, more silvery stripes.
Yeah....My big danios are twice the size of the small one (body depth wise)....the only real difference is that it displays...flares its anal and pelvic fins at the other two now and again....Just a bit worried as the smaller one is quite easy to catch where the other two...not a chance! :rolleyes:

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