Zebra Danios


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2007
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Michigan, United States
I keep hearing that zebra danios are really active and playful. Some people have even said they act like fish on crack and they shouldn't be confined to a 10 gallon tank. Do you think zebra danios are okay for a 10 gallon. I love watching them at the pet shop and they are so cute.

and another question.
I want to stock my tank with 3 cherry barbs, 4 zebra danios and 3 panda cories. How can I reduse the number of fish so the tank won't be overstocked but still allow the fish to be comfortable and have other fish of their species?
Personally, I would opt. for just keeping the corydoras and cherry barbs... 10 gallons is only approx 30 litres isn't it... thats a small tank to hold zebra Danios as well... but it's your choise...
In my opinion zebra danios are too active for a 10g tank. I have some in my 90g and they are constantly swimming all over the tank. I am sure a lot of people have them in 10g tanks but I don't think that would be ideal for them.
Personally, I would opt. for just keeping the corydoras and cherry barbs... 10 gallons is only approx 30 litres isn't it... thats a small tank to hold zebra Danios as well... but it's your choise...

Isn't 10 gallons more like 45 litres.
now class look at the black board
According to google, 10 US gallons = 37.854118 liters
It is my opinion that Zebra Danios are too active for a 10g. They are also schooling fish, meaning they need to be in groups of 8 or more to be happy. I agree with Corin Castle, just stick with the cherry barbs and cories.
I have a 35gal tank and 5 Danios (among other things) in it and I have to say the danios have taken over the top level of the tank and fill every inch.... I think a ten would be a little too small.... Sorry I know it's now what you where hoping for..... But the corys and barbs would work in a ten much better..... :D
as said too small, we used to have a little shoal of zebra & leopard danios & they would spend ALL day frantically swimming around all over our 4 ft tank & they esp LOVED the current coming out of our internal fluval filter they take turns taking the lead trying to battle against it!!
lovely fish we sadly lost all ours to an unknown cause ? virus not sure & we're very very tempted to try them again when we change our 4ft to a 6 ft tank shortly.
im sure you'd want the fish to be happy if you got them and your tank would be too confining for these very very very active little fish
Personally, I would opt. for just keeping the corydoras and cherry barbs... 10 gallons is only approx 30 litres isn't it... thats a small tank to hold zebra Danios as well... but it's your choise...

Isn't 10 gallons more like 45 litres.

10 gallons is about 38 liters (I have my handy conversion website -- http://www.paulnoll.com/China/Metric/number-liters.html haha)

Sorry guys, I guess I'm so used to imperial gallons.

10 Imperial gallons = 45.4 litres.

10 US gallons =37.854118 litres.
i have 3 and they are sometimes relaxed.... the rest of the time they are nutters but great to watch. my tank is aroun 20gals
Ive had 5 Zebra Danios in a tank that size before and they were perfectly fine, as hyperactive as normal!!

Mine obviously prefer my bigger tank, Also they look alot better, espicially in strong flow :D

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