Fish Crazy
I keep hearing that zebra danios are really active and playful. Some people have even said they act like fish on crack and they shouldn't be confined to a 10 gallon tank. Do you think zebra danios are okay for a 10 gallon. I love watching them at the pet shop and they are so cute.
and another question.
I want to stock my tank with 3 cherry barbs, 4 zebra danios and 3 panda cories. How can I reduse the number of fish so the tank won't be overstocked but still allow the fish to be comfortable and have other fish of their species?
and another question.
I want to stock my tank with 3 cherry barbs, 4 zebra danios and 3 panda cories. How can I reduse the number of fish so the tank won't be overstocked but still allow the fish to be comfortable and have other fish of their species?