Zebra Danios


New Member
Nov 6, 2005
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I have one Zebra Danio in my tank at the moment, did have 2 but one mysteriously died :(
I have noticed (assuming its a her) her belly / underside is getting bigger and was wondering if she could be pregnant? anyone else has had any experiance with these fish and their breeding? Do i need to move her into her own tank at some point to lay her eggs as i have a sucking loach which may well eat them or shall i just let nature takes its course and see what happends?
yes i have zebra babies and she is styill pregnant have u a pic
yeah i had 3 i cant stand the fish i hate them now. after they died but i did look after them while they where alive
tried to get some photos but shes not staying still for long enough!!
Thanks for the info guys - have only really dealt with Guppies in the past so wasnt sure how these go about breeding, at the moment she is the only Danio, bought 2 at the time and i do belive they are scholing fish so I'll get some more so shes not on her own :)

withington > how come you dont like them?
I have one Zebra Danio in my tank at the moment, did have 2 but one mysteriously died :(
I have noticed (assuming its a her) her belly / underside is getting bigger and was wondering if she could be pregnant? anyone else has had any experiance with these fish and their breeding? Do i need to move her into her own tank at some point to lay her eggs as i have a sucking loach which may well eat them or shall i just let nature takes its course and see what happends?

the mystery death was most likly caused by the surviving danio.
when kept in too small a tank and/or too small a group they can and often do become very aggresive, often to the point of killing every other tank occupant.

I suggest that you add at least 5 more danios, provided your tank is a sufficiant size for them
(needs to be at least 24"x12"x12"). if not then re-home it somewhere else.

You may want to checkout my website for sexing and breeding tips and for info on many other species of danio.

BTW danios are egg scatterers therefor the correct term is egg laden not pregnant.
Ive noticed that the female Danios in my tank are always big. They like to eat and will try to eat everything that drops into the tank.

Wolf, is it normal for them to look this way?
Inside my tank all 4 female danio (3 zebra danio 1 leopard danio) have tummys on them while all male zebra danio most of the time have barbels (since they are always have lesser fod to eat)... Good thing is 1 female zebra danio is put inside hospital tank. So more fish food for male zebra danio :)

Suz, what is the size of your tank? and what fishes beside zebra danio you are keeping in there? (I just want some suggestion for what goes well with Danios :) ) Thanks

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