Common name(s): Zebra Danio or Stripped Danio, Zebrafish.
Scientific name: Danio rerio.
Other Scientific name(s): Brachydanio rerio (not valid).
Origin: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal & pakistan.
Family: Cyprinid.
Maximum size: 6cm / 2.36".
Minimum Tank Length: 24" / 61cm.
Tank Requirements: Plenty of open space at the top and a good fitting lid, as with all Danios they can and will jump.
Temperature: 18-24c / 64-75f.
Description: Five horizontal blue stripes on the side of the body, continuing to the tail fin, stripped anal fin.
Feeding: Will accept flake floods, pellets and live foods such as bloodworms and daphnia.
for more info checkout my danio website
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