Zebra Danios Swimming High!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2009
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I recently bought 6 Zebra Danios to cycle my tank (alongside a Bristlenose) and I was just concerned because they seem to be attracted to the top of the tank and letting their fins stick out of the top. They swim elsewhere too, just they seem to stay closer to the top, is this natural or is it because they are timid (I only put them in about 6 hours ago)

Cheers :D
Danios normally hang around the surface and will spend virtually all their time in the top half of the tank.

Bristlenose aren't really a good fish to cycle a tank with. They are scaleless and die quite quickly when the water quality isn't good. Make sure you change part of the tank water regularly.
Only feed the fish once every couple of days to minimise the ammonia and nitrite levels and try to keep them below 1ppm.
Yes, watch with the pleco during the cycling.

But, as a danio keeper myself, they are just energetic little buggers. They always hang around the top, not only because thats their niche but because they're little beggars :lol: Its just normal behavior.
OKay thanks!

Them seem to be coming down a lot more now, swimming in a group around the whole tank which is awesome!

Yeah, I wasn't really trying to cycle with the Bristlenose - he was there because my LFS said he was hardy, I needed an algae eater and i love 'em, I think i'm going to treat him to some zucchini tonight - as I actually haven't seen him eat anything!

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