Zebra Danios Flicking/rubbing


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Jul 9, 2009
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Surrey, England

I've got an 'emergency' thread HERE regarding this behaviour, but I just wanted to see if this was normal zebra danio behaviour.

2 days ago I noticed my largest danio chaging up to a cocnut cave and then performing a roll so that she brushed against it. Did this twice and then I have not seen it again.

Yesterday another one did it. I then watched him contantly for 10-15mins but he didnt do it again, just went back to routine behaviour.

I've not seen this before and I'm concerned it may be warning signs of an infection. However, I'd be pleased to hear if other ZD keepers have seen this without issues?
I have a few zebra danios and I have never seen them do this. It moste probably has white spot, skin and gill flukes, anchor worm, velvet disease or chlorine poisoning!!!
I have a few zebra danios and I have never seen them do this. It moste probably has white spot, skin and gill flukes, anchor worm, velvet disease or chlorine poisoning!!!

I've checked for any sign of physical change/abnormality in them but cant find anything. I was away for 5 days but watched them closely over the last two and I haven't seen this behaviour again.
Mine do it on occassion.
The first time I saw it I panicked and thought "oh heck whitespot", ran out got meds etc.
But, 8 months on and they've never got whitespot, or anything else (touch wood). None of the other fish do this, just a couple of the zebra danios.

To Add: I've spent hours sat watching them and can see no signs of anything.
The flicking is infrequent, not a constant or daily thing.
To Add: I've spent hours sat watching them and can see no signs of anything.
The flicking is infrequent, not a constant or daily thing.

Well that's reassuring. Cheers for helping to settle my nerves!

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