Zebra Danios changing color, losing stripes


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
Anyone ever had a danio whose color faded a bit, turning sort of golden? I have two who have faded, so that their stripes are not visible at all on their tails. I thought at first it was velvet, but now I think not. My nitrites are slightly elevated (.25). I also moved some of these to a new tank recently, with some loaches (none of whom bother the danios at all). Is it stress? Or is it related to breeding behavior perhaps?
it could be stress, it could be that one of the danios grandparent/parent was a golden danio, but it could also be neon tetra disease,
which despite the name is not limited to neon tetras.
The only time I notice my danios go pale is if I havn't turned on the tank light for a while. :X

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