Zebra Danios Breeding


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
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Tokyo, Japan
I hope I got this post in the species group.

I got three hyper little Zebras, two being insanely .. fat in a lack of a better word and one being slim and normal looking. They all eat and swim.

I'm guessing it's eggs and wonder if anyone has any tiny little tips for triggering spawning. And could I try to trigger it in a breeding box or would I have to move the eggs afterwards?
You really need to set up a spawning tank; somewhere where it gets morning sun is best.

Put large pebbles on the bottom so the egss can fall through where the parents can't get at them to eat them, and a load of fine leaved plants. Put the females in the tank and feed them up on some frozen or live food for a couple of days. Then add your male last thing at night, and the sun hitting the tank next morning should trigger then to spawn. If they don't, a cold water change can help.

Then remove the parents and keep your fingers crossed! Don't forget that the fry are very tiny and need microscopic first foods. If you can leave the spawning tank set up for a few weeks before you try and breed them so it get's nice and green, that, combined with the plants, should give them enough to feed on once they become free swimming.
You really need to set up a spawning tank; somewhere where it gets morning sun is best.

Put large pebbles on the bottom so the egss can fall through where the parents can't get at them to eat them, and a load of fine leaved plants. Put the females in the tank and feed them up on some frozen or live food for a couple of days. Then add your male last thing at night, and the sun hitting the tank next morning should trigger then to spawn. If they don't, a cold water change can help.

Then remove the parents and keep your fingers crossed! Don't forget that the fry are very tiny and need microscopic first foods. If you can leave the spawning tank set up for a few weeks before you try and breed them so it get's nice and green, that, combined with the plants, should give them enough to feed on once they become free swimming.

You're awesome, thank you! I felt bad, I relaized I could just do a forum search so I really appreciate you writing it down for me.
The nice and green sounds pretty smart, it would be a lot of fun to try and breed them.

I lost all the neons, even though they had put on some weight and it felt like time, the Angels had gulped them all down within 24 hours.. it was impressive tbh, if I ate that much I'd rip..

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