Zebra Danios and Guppies


New Member
Feb 9, 2005
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Lately I've been noticing that pieces of my zebra danio's tail missing. At first I thought it was fin rot or some kind of bacterial infection but it was only happening to that one danio. Today I came home from school and saw that my guppies were chasing the danio and eating his tail and now it's completely gone and some of the scales are missing and that area is all red. The guppies don't seem to be aggressive towards the other fish or danios. Should I remove the danio and put him in my other tank?
nevermind, I was too late... I just found it dead stuck to the filter intake tube a couple minutes ago
Ive got two Zebra Danios in with a big group of guppies and they all get along fine. Been that way for over a year :D
Whatever the fish species - they will attack a sick fish in the tank

A sad fact of life

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